I think your analysis is good, but would caution depending on it too long without modification. Something appears to be happening with energy that economists are mostly missing because maybe they don't know enough about the nature of energy, and the recent entrance of significant economic product created from solar energy has potentially massive influence, which, even if economists did know the full outcome, they will be very reluctant to talk about it I think.
It doesn't help that even most scientists don't seem to want to talk about it either.
In fact anyone depending on profit doesn't seem to want to talk about it, and yet it's incredibly important, because it looks like profit, I mean all physical possibility of it has to end, very soon.
It might be that folk are hoping that by ignoring it, it won't happen. But it is happening, driven by the massive force of nature, we are witnessing something in process of turning a lot of old rules on their head.
The things that economists should try to incorporate in their analyses to try to understand this, is the difference between oil / fuel, and energy, those are two very different things.
Energy itself, from the only actual source of it, the sun, is actually free, and we can't change this, the sun kind of insists it is for free.
The consequence for ignoring that is complete extinction by burning, no less.
I think a lot of scientists might run away from looking closer at this because it maybe looks too close to religion, but it isn't religion, it is just physics, used to analyse something religions seem to have known about forever, the survivability of all things fir profit - in short, isn't survivable at all, but actually systemically causing, and fully dependent on just about everything we would define as evil and destruction in our world, as well as the inflation, which has to devalue all money to zero, about now, until we do the only thing that can be done, issue massive amounts of it for free to all people before it is too late, to do even that in a way that we might all still receive the 150 or so Joules per second we each need 24/7 to stay alive.
It might be everyone is scared of being nailed to a cross, who knows, but one thing is for sure, we can't survive what comes next, with the required change not being done.
I take some reassurance by knowing Ai seems to know it.
Perhaps we will pay more attention to it. I hope so anyway.