I think you pretty much identified here modern slavery. It obviously still exists, but now it is practiced systemically, rather than personally, those profiting by it don't even know they are, but worse, don't want to know.
We have variations of it in UK too, not yet at the same stage as the US, but trying hard to catch up, I think.
I write a lot about what I see is the solution, not only to this, but also the environmental issues we are seeing all around the world.
What might give us some hope, is knowing that now there are some changes happening, real unavoidable physical changes, which will force their hand, by being the real, exponential driver of inflation.
The solution, to hand out buckets of free money to all, demonstrated during covid stimulus, they claim it is unsustainable, damaging the economy, but now there is evidence to say otherwise, quite the opposite in fact.