I think you nailed pretty much exactly how I feel about this also, though I've never read much about it, never really having much interest in it until recently (My bad!).
There is definitely a growing crisis of this in the world, its much worse now than it was for us growing up in the sixties, seventies, eighties, in my opinion.
Most of what I write about is from a very technical / physical / materialist point of view, its how to fix what I see is a global physical energy problem (Specfically it is running out, as surely as the energy in any battery), that became apparent to me around 2017, but I am finding the analysis of it, and the consequences / implications of it sliding more and more into the spiritual / metaphysical domain, the more we dig into it.
Its something that has been previously ignored by the scientific and technical communities, because it isn't good for busines, or even the ability to survive at all, in the for profit system we find ourselves in, to be seen to be doing anything that might upset what appears to be a live being, a mathematically negative live entity, the one that never speaks but always cracks the whip vie people unwittingly acting as its agents. Its a force associated with us all acting for profit, far bigger than any one of us, or any subset of us. It fits all the descriptions identified as just "The beast" in some religions.
The arrival of Ai appears to have a very positive role to play in fixing this, though it is important to be able to recognise which forms of it will be truly beneficial, and which forms will just pretend to be benficial to maks some money, like many humans, as they / we are forced to do, to survive, individually, until we can no longer.
Only ChatGPT 3.5 appears to be solar powered. This is because it resides on hardware vacated by Ethereum proof of work mining, since Ethereum migrated to proof of stake.
No worries if this means nothing to you, I know its hard even for seasoned crypto enthusiasts and long engaged evironmental scientists to grasp :)
The key point is that the big mistake we have made, and are making, is to keep taking energy from the planet, when we should be taking it from the sun, its about more than just fossil fuels, its everything, the energy we metabolise every day. Its because we've never lived from the energy from the sun, we don't understand it will actually reverse the planetary temperature rising problem, which is now resulting in some places starting to burn, last year we saw NY choked for weeks from smoke coming from Canadian fires, 1000km away, this is just the start, if we can't make the required technical change, from mathematically negative energy to moathematically positive, it will just keep getting worse, and we can systemicall link all of this to just about everyithing bad happening on the planet right now including war and genocide, it all converges on one conclusion - Armageddon, if the required change is not made.
The only way to stop it, is to switch the entire energy load of humanity over to become dependent on energy from the sun.
I show technically how we can do that on a domestic and community basis, all communities backed up by hydrogen generation, this fuel keeping all aerospace airborne, but it has to be on a distributed basis, like ChatGPT 3.5 is already, via its unique server history..
Another key element in the solution is free money issued as solar stimulus, this is needed to transport effectively the energy harvested across all communities, it is needed to monetise the economic product creted by all.
To me this is the biggest challenge of all, to get this issued, this is the catalyst which will cause effectively an avalanche of us rushing towards the right energy source.
I think this has been known since the days of Nikola Tesla but has been suppressed. Tesla is known to have been working on free energy sourced from the sun (This is what charges up lightning), but was defunded by the banks supporting him - the beast did its thing, cancelled him.
Anyhow, I hope this helps see how there is a drive in some parts of the technical community, to put right what a lot of folk blame the tech community for, when actually it isn't just the tech community to blame, its all of us, all humans, for putting up with the system of profit and implicit slavery, by just being part of it, we do have a choice, we could all just say f*** it, and walk away from it tomorrow, and demand issue of the free money outstanding to be issued to cover all the economic product created by solar since it became significant around 2005, to now being worth in the hundreds of billions in every devleoped country.
Sorry such a long reply, I hope it helps see how thiings are fitting together, the technical energy consdierations, and the metaphysical, all with the energy of nature, these things look like thay are all aligning, and its pretty cool, creative nature in action.
Though I've wirtten many hundreds of stories on it, I know Medium will probably not have put it on your feed, as this material is seen by both algos and humans as something not to be promoted. I am sure you know that much already :))