I think you might have missed something was done, though it might not have been intentional, there has been a single instance when something very fundamental was done. It was when oil prices went negative. This happened when there was massive issue of stimulus. It was Trump who was in power when it happened, and the decision to issue massive stimulus was made by Trump. Yes he enriched himself by it, but were we not also enriched by it, when we were enabled to trade with free money in markets using the Robinhood app, something developed by key members of extinction rebellion, flooding out established traders from markets?
This was pure fine-grained democracy, the only time in history, as far as I can tell, and still remember, I noted it at the time, having already worked out we need to start issuing solar indexed stimulus.
That money could have qualified as solar indexed stimulus, if it had just been left switched on, and linked to the ongoing creation of economic product from solar, but it was switched off by demand of banks and traditional investors, who demanded back the value of their capital and thus their privilege, the money was declared to have been issued as debt, so it was no longer for free, and hence it has gone back to devaluing ever since.
This is going to have to be acknowledged, if we wish to have it, the only solution, the only way to creation from destruction, the only time we ever saw an actual spike of global environmental recover, the only time we saw oil prices going negative.
Is issue of free money not relentless kindness, and the opposite of the character popularly painted of Trump? Is it kindness to forget acts of kindness?