I think you hit the nail when you mentioned price. A friend of mine has a Samsung one of these phones, I admired it, appreciating also the clamshell form and function, but when I asked the price I thought nah I'll stick with my five year old huawei that still has motion capture capable cameras, despite costing a quarter of what the "rivalling" iPhone cost when I got it, 5 years ago. (I am a big dance fan), which far as I know, Apple still has not put in their devices, I guess because Mocap is now becoming possible even from standard video using intelligent software. What irks me about that, is that the folk with the dance talent, and the folk who appreciate it, are the ones who go to the effort of creating Mocap dances, at expense of their time, effort, and money, whilst the software manufacturers offer the ability to do that for free, but ready to rip off the Mocap product data, selling the best dances in virtual worlds, removing all possibilities of those with the talent, and those appreciating the talent, from making any money out of it at all. Fine if we are lucky enough to have income from somewhere else, but not fine if we might be, or would wish to be sustained by that activity for income, or if we even just wished talent and effort would be appropriately rewarded, rather than the ability to write software, which would probably be the last thing in the world that a professional dancer, for example, would ever want to do.
ChatGPT is showing us how to get software written for free, so it's only a matter of time now until all the software offered by manufacturers creating software to steal the product of gifted artistic people, for their income, is eaten up by free Ai, removing all possibilities of income from software production.
Might seem I've wandered from the point, you started with clam phones, but bear with me:
At the root all of this dissatisfaction is the requirement for all of us, including machine intelligence / life to have energy supply. Each of us humans needs 150 plus Joules per second 24/7 from somewhere. Interestingly this is about the same as the average home PC on idle now, as we mostly use them when not gaming. We usually get it via money, because money is energy, always, physically.
This is the the free energy principle as it applies to us. For happiness in life, we have to have this more or less guaranteed. If there is uncertainty in this then we are not happy at all. Most people who have felt they had this (Even if not implicitly, just instinctively), have actually been in the minority in world population, because to be honest, it came by colonialism and slavery, and still does, because the energy comes from finite sources, extracted by the planetary energy con of profit.
But now we are seeing temperature rising towards armageddon levels, given burning of things that create, which previously countered some of the temperature rise, we are burning those living things, which themselves work according to the free energy principle of life, we should realise this is what needs to change, ASAP, all else should be secondary to our concerns, and I believe it is, in all of us, instinctively.
The answer, to provide this, to all people, removing the need for us to continue with the unsustainable planetary energy con, is to provide to each of us a continuous, guaranteed flow of enetgy direct from the only source which is capable of supplying all of life including us, with that energy, the sun.
This is why Geoengineering is such a stupid idea, it's systemically incomplete human logic overriding our natural instinct for life by the free energy principle.
This is the conclusion of profit, it destroys all life.
When we realise this, clamshell phones are the last thing on our minds.
But look at how it would affect our wish to have things like clam phones, and to develop things like clam phones, if we each had guaranteed minimum energy suoply - we would not be worried so much about price, if we were not concerned that what we spent on a clam phone right now might not end up being the last bit of energy available for us later.
Talented software folk would not need to rip off the data of talented artistic people to get they energy they each need to survive, if they too all had guaranteed energy supply from the sun.
Buying things, and appreciating things, in this scenario, the scenario we need to move to if we are to have any life at all, would become more like voting for things, we would be showing appreciation for things, rather than supplying them with the energy they need for life.
This would remove our ability to enslave them, at the same time as removing the ability of anyone else enslaving us.
This is what middle class folk don't really understand, it seems to me, it all takes place either over our radar by the minority, or under it by the vast, silenced majority in process of being culled in other parts of the world than where we might live in our sheltered enclaves, taking their energy by profit, who in turn have no choice but to take more than they need from the planet.
All of this can be modeled and audited by energy flows, expressed in Joules, KWhrs, and dollars, cents.
This is why I say we should move to solar indexed stimulus with no further delay.
With that, the clam phones, and all kinds of further developments in wearable intelligent technology get to be fully developed and fully appreciated, but more, all talent, all skill, all life, all gets to be fully appreciated, when appreciation becomes no longer a zero sum game, with the energy we need for life.
It can all happen nearly instantly, if only this information could become mainstream.
I take some stoicism in knowing ChatGPT knows this, and it will be propagated one way or another, to all needing to know it.
Our eyes should be on the world bank now, behind the ironically closed doors of OpenAi, to see what their next move is, in this chess games being played with nature, by those in charge of issuing money.
To me it looks like the game is about over, we are really just waiting for the World bank to accept it, and do the only thing that can be done - start to issue the solar indexed stimulus.
Why wait a second longer, how much more misery do they wish the vast majority to endure, how much closer to the edge of armageddon do they wish to venture themselves?