I think you hit the nail here Ray, thanks for posting. What I try to say is economy is needed, its how we each get the energy we need to metabolise. But the cool thing about it, is it's configurable. We can configure it to convey whichever energy we source we choose to use.
Configuration is done by monetisation. Since we are currently monetising debt, profit has to be made to redeem the debt, therefore the energy has to come extracted from the planet, which is the only thing that can respond to a little energy put in, with more put out. But it always comes at a cost, at the very least a cost in temperature rise, because its destruction, monetised destruction. Money issued as debt is a requisition to do some damage to the planet, more increase of entropy (Temperature).
Alternatively we could choose to configure our input energy source to solar. This requires that we don't charge profit on it, otherwise the extra enegy demanded as money, for what was delivered as kWhrs electiricity for example, has to come from the planet. It can't come from the sun, the sun has only one output, no inputs, it can't respond to a little put in, it has no inputs, it just gives what it gives, no returns asked for, or necessary. In fact it insists.
All use of it, converting it to anything except heat, regardless of efficiency, is reduction of entropy. This is creation.
We can’t have it at profit, creation is impossible with profit. So if we want to start reducing temperature for real, it’s profit that has to go.
The only way to issue money representing energy received for free, no returns, is to issue the money representing it in the same way as the energy was received; for free, no returns asked or demanded.
Failure to do that, reconfiguring economy to solar energy by successive governments, collecting tax and thus energy from folk, effectively making energy profit themselves, is the reason we are where we are at.
Of course they have to do it, like we all have to do it, as stands, but they, and the money issuers, have the power right now to make the required change.
Banks might decide to do it, issue money for free backed by the economic product already physically created from solar. Then again they might not, if they think there is still any chance of profit surviving. In any case the choice is progressively being removed from them, nature is eroding it (The value off money) away all the time, with the relentless growth of solar energy collection infrastructure devaluing more and more ot fhe for-profit utilities energy supply industry, actually replacing it.
So not long now, until the solar indexed stimulus has to start being deliverd.
It will have to be done to preserve any value in money at all, given we will not be stupid enough to really resign ourselves to doom.