I think you are spot on here, I noticed the same thing, that spiritual people are getting this quicker than technical folk, ideally what we need is for the techies to get more clued up, by exposure to some more spiritual folks (I did it in Cuba, the ancient African religion of Yoruba is very spiritual)
though I am not fully in agreement that STEM has done what it can, maybe it has, given its funding arrangements, but I struggle to get most STEM folk to understand the full technical picture. I know they mean well, but they don't realise the part they play in the problem, by identifying all of the symptoms but never the root cause as something to work on, to make business from, they unconsciously perpetuate the problem.
They have a lot of things wrong, the main one is bundling solar energy with all the others, when it is distinctly different. Mathematically, it is the only one which is positive, adding to Earth, not negative, whilst all the others are negative by being various forms of extraction from Earth.
Use of it doesn't give us net zero, which is good because net zero is not what is needed, since the only possible net zero in a world of all negatives, is complete cessation of all life. Whereas any use of the only positive energy is good, enough use of it takes us through net zero, and on to a real net positive that we can never have too much of.
Hey-ho, the latest findings are here, for all the STEM conditioned skeptics to try to pick apart, or just ignore as usual, and for everyone else to maybe take some reassurance from:
If we understand this, and have enough spiritual awareness to see it is the truth, then we will understand that inflation, this time, is driven by nature, and she has this all stitched up, she holds all the aces and even owns the house. There is no way round the only solution, which is to issue the money representing the energy of the sun that we put to use.
So my advice to protestors would be to go home, sit tight, wait for the inflation to take effect, don't give those in control any excuse to get ugly, distracting from their responsibility. Well actually maybe it would be even better to go and quietly celebrate with whoever they know is spiritual, knowing victory is coming, for the spiritual, the biggest ever cause for celebration in our known history, it seems to me.