Frederick Bott
2 min readDec 30, 2022


I think you are right to be concerned about this. Not only that, but everyone is right to be concerned also about global climate changes, affecting also drinking water supplies. And we are right to be concerned about wars, past, present, and looming.

Underlying it all, is physical energy, the Joules of energy coming originally from the sun, that become put to use by nature in everything created, including life itself.

The problem has always been that we've always had to rob Peter to pay Paul, in terms of energy. Money is the transport mechanism we've used to do that.

So we've had to continuously destroy, in order to focus the energy yielded from that on what we call industry. This is what we did, and still do by energy extraction from the planet. Now we have the technology to accept raw energy at source, from the sun, before it is put to any other use on Earth, and we are starting to do this, but as yet we do not monetise it in any way, because it can't be monetised as debt, there can be no redeemable promise to do work, from which Joules of energy are yielded. The Joules from the sun are donated, there is no per-Joule work associated, so money as debt does not monetise them. Only money issued for free can monetise them. So because our use of them is scaling up, and no money is issued refelecting them, money is devaluing, hence we see inflation.

As such there has been a relentlessly growing solar product, which is yet to be monetised.

In UK, by current consumer energy prices, this stands at around £450 Billion, built up since around 2005. For sure it will be much more in the US.

That is effectively product put to use by exclusively creating (As opposed to destroying), in the same way as nature creates, yet it is unmonetised, since we have only ever officially monetised destruction (Despite being presented as creation), it never was actual creation.

This new human creation solar product could easily be green hydrogen fuel, or even food (See "Solein"), which removes our destructive burden from the planet. Either way, however it is used, it goes towards removing our destructive burden from the planet, it has to manifest as valuable product, so absolutely has to be monetised.

Handing out that money right now, in the same way as covid stimulus was handed out, would stimulate all business to fix the supply chain and sustainability issues, as well as profiding the needed funds to finish the job of becoming energy independent, and for the first time as a species, actually being creative, working in tandem with nature, creating things, instead of working against nature, destroying what it created.

Issue of this money would solve all of your concerns, I believe.

I've written much more about this, in around 300 stories since 2017, on the subject of "Kardshev Money", for anyone interested.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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