I think you are close to the truth here, by having most of the information needed for us to see the whole picture.
But a vital piece is needed, to understand that the physical situation is at the same time much more dire than mainstream information would have us believe, whilst having a simple solution, which we actually seem to be taking, driven by nature.
You identified correctly that we live from the resources of Earth, which are depleting, so far at a rate we can't replace them.
Earth is already screaming for relief, as I think you also identified.
But you miss where everything on Earth comes from, the physical energy that created everything, and continues to do so.
Always missing this would be the biggest mistake we could make, it seems to me, but it is the tendency of mainstream information, to miss it, or even distort it, resulting in things like Geoengineering, to try to cut down the energy of the sun, which, rather than being seen as the source of all creation, is seen as a problem, the excess heat on Earth, a false impression created entirely by the drive for profit, which depends completely on energy extracted from Earth.
I've spent the last six years writing about this tirelessly in Medium, since first coming across the energy issue during PhD candidate work which began around six years ago, which this is arguably an extension of, since it stands in the way of my project to deliver something truly beneficial to humanity, it stands in the way of many such projects, and actually in the way of all humanity.
This was after a long career already in Systems Engineering, beginning in utilities energy metering as a hardware Engineer, so I might be more equipped than most to dig deeper into the energy problem, whilst also seeing the bigger, systemic picture.
We must include the sun in all system considerations.
Not doing so is like trying to treat the symptoms of a mother dying from starvation whilst still breastfeeding a child who is no longer a baby but becoming an adult, without realising that both simply need to be fed, food from the environment.
Earth is the mother dying of starvation, humanity is the baby, the energy of the sun is the energy of the environment.
GeoEngineering, at this moment is like applying a tourniquet around the neck of our mother whilst we are still breastfeeding from her, tightening the noose experimentally to see when she passes out, and having no idea how to resuscitate her after that happens.
This entire misconception is down to our need for each of us individually to obtain the physical energy we each need for life, around 150 Joules per second, 24/7, by working for profit, in whichever ways are available to us.
To stop the deadly drive to destruction, we have to remove this fundamental need for all to profit.
That means a UBI of some kind is needed, actually a generous UBI, enough to bribe even most criminals from committing crime for profit.
The profit driven system would have us believe this is not possible, where would the money come from?
The answer is to print it, and issue it, in direct response to reflect the Joules of energy from the sun already put to use by all people and all communities already equipped to do so.
This would be us mimicking the action carried out within plants, after they form the first leaves, nutrients have to be issued in response to the Joules of energy received by the newly formed leaves of the plant.
This is a significant amount of money, since around 2005 in every developed country, hundreds of billions in UK, and probably trillions in bigger countries like the US and Germany.
I've shown how to do the calculations, including also an algorithm automating the process.
We even saw the effects of it during covid when massive stimulus was issued in the US, oil prices went negative the only time ever, the environment made the only actual positive spike of recovery ever, and the dollar itself went up in value.
Instead, since the stimulus was stopped, we have a third world war brewing in Europe, likely to go nuclear at any second, and the environment exponentially deteriorating, and the cherry on the cake, Geoengineering currently underway in Mexico by some high profile universities in US, authorised / validated to investors by an infant Ai, chatGPT, developed for profit, to create profit driven dialog, always missing the basic, planet destroying truth about profit, and why we need to stop it, before it stops us.