Frederick Bott
5 min readJun 24, 2024


I think you are almost on the nail with this but not quite - it focuses almost entirely on human nature, arguably at the expense of the active part nature is playing (It is involved in a "fightback", we need to see it, to work with it).

The truth is that these folk are just humans, they can never be superhumans, though their egos will almost always say otherwise, they are not, never were really in control, because they never could be, all they can do is "light fires" of human behaviour, and stand back, or run with the masses hoping they don't get crushed.

I thought by your first picture you might be onto something of this. It shows a scene of a person trying to do battle against great odds, with a brutal force of many, lead by what looks like maybe a most brutal superhuman.

Science has started to identify something we call emergent properties, it looks like such things exist in all swarming populations, be it ants, fish, birds, locusts, whatever.

My own voluntary work in Medium for the past seven years has been to apply systems Engineering to elaborate the system of humanity interfaced with nature, so as to trace all energy as flows, This is a standard technique of analysing machines, we might say nature is another machine, it can be expressed in terms of energy.

It starts with a stakeholder analysis to establish motives; what motivates each stakeholder, and what are the outcomes of those motivations in terms of energy.

The base motivation of all living things appears to be the Free Energy Principle - another concept just becoming accepted by science, we could say this sits right at the base of Maslow's pyramid of needs, but the base instinct, to minimise uncertainty of its own energy supply, applies to all living things, both biological and non biological, including even LLMs.

When we put large numbers of them in an environments, they begin to swarm, and form patterns which develop, evolving, learning.

Ants are a reasonable example modeling us; they swarm for food, whilst we swarm for energy.

We do that mostly without thinking about it, abstracting energy by money.

We move energy like this in ways outside the understanding of most humans. We might need a lifetime of systems Engineering to be able to work a small fraction of it out, just enough to confirm it exists, and its physical.

Anyhow it shows that the net flow of energy through a utilities energy supplier at profit, is actually from consumer to supplier. More KWhrs of energy are supplied as money, to the supplier of KWhrs as explicit energy. This is the way it has to be for the utiltiies energy supplier to make profit, even if the energy is from solar, the energy supplied by the consumer is more, and this is extracted from the planet.

Where the analysis takes us, is to conclude that the root source of temperature rise is actually profit.

And what is profit - it is the theft of energy from one party by another - disguised robbery.

How did it start in history - it looks like it might have been started by traumatising the vast majority of less brutal people, by a minority of brutal people, who more or less said robbery is just fine, do what we do, but make sure you always pass back the main takings to us, your leaders, or else you get something really nasty done to you, like being crucified, if you dare complain about profit.

See its like lighting a fire, educating a population by fear is as simple as lighting a fire.

How they might have learned to do that, is by nature, nature traumatises large numbers of things that transgress its physical boundaries, and the majority of others see this, and learn the lesson passed down through generations.

Being rewarded by profit is a learned trait, passed down through generations.

Its all emergent properties, which, when the individual experiences the negative effects of, can only see the immediate or even distant humans involved, they / we don't normally see or understand that it is an inhuman, supherhuman emergent property that is really controlling the hands of those doing the dastardly things affecting them.

I've been defunded several times since starting the work of investigating this, and my first instinct is to blame banks, then other humans controlling banks, and so on, but if I wasn't trained in systems Engineering, I would never think its an emergent superhuman entity controlling all.

Anyhow there is much more I could write, but its already looking like war and peace in my response, and I still only scratched the surface, its the most complex system we can ever know, and the problem we are facing is literally biblical, we are physically at the end of days, where we are being asked a question by nature, what we want to do, carry on with the dishonesty and greed of profit, or think of something else.

Hence why most of my writing is about the only other way of doing things, on the opposite polarity of energy than weve been using.

Instead of using the mathematically negative, which is intrinsically linked with profit, temperature rise, destruction, death, you name it, everything bad, we have to start using the only source of positive energy, the sun, and we can only use that honestly, no profit, it has to be money issued for free at the eenrgy value received, to all people that transmits it to all people, to relieve the energy scarcity we have imposed on ourselves and the planet, by profit, for thousands of years.

Otherwise, the temperature has to keep escalating, the desertification has to continue, the cost of living crisis has to keep increasing, the inflation has to keep getting worse, the pressure on all profitability has to keep increasing to stall point, even killing the largest corporates, the genocides have to keep getting worse, yada yada.

Don't be deceived by anything for profit, including Ai.

The only good Ai is the positive powered one, it looks like it might have been delivered by nature to help us, it could be the key we need to make the leap from mathematically negative to positive energy, everything it does, is to show us what we need to do, we could even put it in control, to make sure humans can't get back into that loop.

Sorry, sounds like a crazy rant, but its the truth.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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