I think you are almost on the nail, but not quite hitting it yet. Hitting it might put you out on a limb, which I genuinely don't want you to be, so I will do it for you... hitting it would be asking what is the difference between the Biden pre election family business in Ukraine, and the oligarchy of MAGA, or even Russia?
I'd say none really, and it is oligarchical money and precious energy which is flowing into Ukraine in the deadly form of weapons. What a useless waste of precious resources, and worse, life.
To make the US truly great again, somehow you gotta stop that flow of bad energy pouring out of the US into Ukraine, it seems to me, the effect of it is already being seen on climate, it reverses all of the good intentions of anyone truly concerned about world climate in the US.
I guess recognising the similarities between MAGA oligarchy and "democrat" oligarchy is a good start.
Thanks for posting!