I think we would do well to trace through how capitalism makes us think of energy (Or rather how it blinds us to it).
Capital, is stored energy. It can be stored in materials, or in motion like the motion of Earth, and in heat like in the core of Earth.
In any situation, putting a price on a unit of energy, a gallon of fuel, a kilo-Watt-hour, a piece of gold, or even a bitcoin, we are defining that thing as a piece of capital.
How this serves to blind us to actual energy, and the only actual source of it, the sun, is we don't see energy, which is Joules per second, being represented by tokens of money per second.
So we don't see the energy of the sun as having any value at all, and yet it "Charged" all of the stored energies we know.
So we are only financially rewarded for using stored forms of energy.
By definition, all forms of stored energy are changed by any use of them, thus Earth itself is continuously changed by our use of capital, for the worse, as we can see.
We might see this as a kind of dischargning process, we are busy discharging Earth, as surely as any battery on a discharging load.
To reverse the harm done, we have to move to charging Earth, using the only actual charging source, that is the sun.
We might see this as a kind of positive work done, whereas discharging is negative work.
If we consider how a tree works, it absorbs a little energy from Earth capital during the shoot development, until the leaves of the tree form enough to begin capturing more energy from the sun than was invested by Earth to create the tree shoot.
So we might see that the lifetime of the tree comprises a negative work phase, during which its shoot is grown, the energy flow is from root upwards (Negative), followed by a much bigger positive work phase, when for the remainder of the life of the tree, the energy flow is from leaves to root (Positive), where it contributes positively to the energy of Earth, effectively charging it with nutrients.
Following on, we might realise that humanity as a species has done a certain degree of damage to the planet in negative work mode, during the past 150 years or so, but crucially we should see this can be reversed by working in positive "Charge" mode, where we use the energy of the sun to recharge Earth capital.
We might notice also in this framework that we can never have enough people to contribute to working in positive mode, the more there are working on it, the faster the repair / recharge of Earth.
Key to beginning working in this positive mode, is recognising that free money can and must be issued on the solar energy received and put to use by humanity, in the form of continuously issued tokens per unit time, in order to honestly reflect the actual value of solar energy.
Otherwise, we are not valuing it at all, but ignoring its actual value, and therefore remaining ignorant of how to put it to positive use, to recharge Earth capital to something truly sustainable.
A technical explanation of how valuable money-as-sunlight works is here: https://eric-bott.medium.com/the-fuel-tree-5ef66be03c4