I think we would be throwing the baby out with the bathwater if we just relegated the bible to fiction.
It seems to me the point is with all religions, that they were never meant to be taken literally, we never had the intelligence to be able to understand them, they were written not to be understood as we were then, but as we are now, and actually there is a deep thread in religions that tell us really who we are, and why we have a problem now, in fact we are at the end times, if we just accept the messages in religions in a general sense.
I say this as a scientific person, a practicing Engineer, just not one motivated much nowadays by profit, which unfortunately separates me from the vast majority of my former peers, even though most won't admit it (It would be more than their jobs are worth to admit).
I would agree more with looking at a scientific hypothesis of religion, from the point of view of who the actual beings were, that left us their messages.
My hypothesis would follow a logical argument that they were actual beings who were far more intelligent than us, because we were actually genetically created by them. Nothing in science disproves this, as far as I have been able to tell, in all of the time I've had access to scientific information. There are still gaps in the Genome which appear synomymous with domesticated animals, there are scientific papers recognising this.
It seems logical we were created by genetic splice, between existing animals on Earth (apes), and something else, possibly extraterrestrial, possibly the "Gods" themselves, and we are in fact evolving to become them.
That explains why there are still apes, and us. We were given human logic, but that still has to battle with our animal instincts, and that is the reason we needed some guidelines to try to ensure our future, the truth appears to me to be that the animal within us, our emotions, are deadly to all of life including ours, when we augment those emotions with logic, rather than counteract them with logic.
So for example if we feel the angry emotion to kill someone, we should use our logic to override that momentary emotion, rather than use our logic to pick up an instrument logically designed to kill someone, like a gun, and pull the trigger. "Thou shalt not kill".
And now we are faced with global climate disaster because we ignored most of those rules, created a whole human system designed to exploit both our planet and one another for profit, consuming planetary resources that are irreplaceable, completely unaware so far, that we are actually worshiping the false god of energy stored in capital (Below), when we should be worshiping real live energy (Above), and we never put back what has been taken.
Compare that with how a tree works; it takes a tiny portion of stored energy from Earth to grow its shoot to a point where leaves sprout. In that time the energy flow to the tree is negative, from root to shoot, but after the leaves sprout, the energy flow through the tree is positive, from leaves to root, and thereafter throughout its life, it contributes energy poitively to the energy stores of Earth.
From that point of view, our existence on Earth to date has drawn only negative energy, never positive, at least until recently when we started to use solar power, but not yet nearly enough.
When we see that, we should realise that if/when we do ever get to working positively, every human has value in that mode, we can never have enough, as all are needed to repair the damage done by working negatively for thousands of years.
Underlying all, is the profit driven capital economic system, that breaks most of the rules of most religions, and blinds us to the actual source of energy that is the sun, by monetising only capital (Stored energy, Joules), and not live energy (Joules per second).
The simplest way to monetise live energy, is to assign a fixed number of Joules to all money, and issue it continuously for free to all people, representing the actual amount of solar energy being received. That satisfies the Austrian economic ideal of all money issued representing actual product, whilst at the same time solving all of the problems of world poverty, and would be us working positively.
All of that, I see aligning perfectly with both science and religion.
Thanks for prompting me to write this, sorry if it was a bit of a long reply.