I think this is a useful vehicle our Western powers have found to interfere in Iran. As you say, it isn't right for a government to impose its will on its people, the gender equality issue is only one of many, and a young woman died, who should not have died. But is it right that an external government should impose its will instead? For sure many of the activists in Iran will be supported by Western money, just like the upsets that started in Libya, Iraq, Venezuela, in fact any country not agreeing to "do business" with the US.
This isn't actually about liberty for Iranian girls, it is about chaos for Iran, a long term ally of Russia, which will end in misery for people of all sexes in Iran.
Anyone with sense, who really cares about the girls, or any humans at all in Iran, or anywhere else for that matter, should avoid allowing themselves to be used by the propaganda machine to invoke yet more war. We see it everywhere we look, after it becomes obvious, and it is becoming pretty obvious now, don't you think?