I think this is a cool investigation, likely to uncover some valuable information, three cheers to you for having the courage to suggest it Avi.
What I would be most interested to know, is whether or not Martians were driven by profit.
If they existed at all, and destroyed their planet, as we are obviously well on our way to doing, it follows that they lived by energy extracted from their planet, thus were profit driven, and not by the energy from the sun. As we can see, it is possible to live from the energy of the sun, if we put in the necessary community and domestic solar hydrogen infrastructure.
Was that possible also on Mars? Yes of course, if Mars also had the entire ecology of plants feeding all of life from the energy of the sun, which of course it would have had, if it had beings like us living on it.
If your theory happened to be the truth, terraforming Earth was a challenge.
But the challenge of doing it the other way around, making what became uninhabitable to what would have to have been the highly intelligent species of our ancestors, habitable, really would be a miracle, I think. I would hope if we do find such a connection, that we use the information from it to learn from what was an obvious mistake of our ancestors in hindsight, so as not to make the same mistake again. Imagine, if they could look into the distant future, and see what we are doing now, they would be saying “Nooooo, not again….” They might even have written things like religions, to try to guide us with advice like, not to kill each other, as that is not the solution to any problem, and profit, well that shouldn’t ever be something that comes to rule a species…