I think these are good thoughts, but you might be missing something really fundamental, the profit monster. This thing is so pernicious, like physical energy it's all around us in ways we stopped noticing maybe a very long time ago, if we ever did notice. To me this is the real bad driver at the heart of everything we know is bad.
Its also what is leading to the end of life, actually due to the physical cumulative systemic effects, this is the real reason we are increasingly seeing fires, the increasing frequency and ferocity of those is directly related to temperature rise.
Looking at the way we use energy, again always for profit, and mathematically signing energy in and out of Earth to model it as a giant battery, positive energy and everything created from it by nature coming in from the sun, negative where we subtract it back out, "creating" from that, we get a view then of the state of the charge of this battery, and it doesn't look good.
The temperature on this battery indicates the charge state.
The more we take out, the less life there left to do the work of converting the energy of the sun to things other than heat.
We've come to the point now where this is critical and completely unsustainable.
How does profit do this?
Financially, it's an energy con.
Money is energy, always.
Without energy money is nothing.
The relative energy content in money is a measure of its value. We can see it is KWhrs per token, the value indicated in markets.
Inflation obviously removes that value, the energy content of money.
If we give some money out, demanding more money in return, we have to gain energy by that.
We don't acknowledge this at all, we never think about it, but we are doing it all the time, in everything we do in life, all money is even issued on it, all money is issued as debt.
Notice energy can't be created or destroyed, only pushed around.
So it has to come from somewhere, there always has to be a source where all this energy came from.
Some might try and argue it could come from solar, now we got a large proportion of energy now being put to use from the sun.
But the sun never asked for anything in return for the energy it gives, it's all given for free, nothing asked in return (other than maybe we use it wisely).
It isn't possible to trick the sun for more energy than it already gives.
Remember, it is a trick that we take more energy back from the profitable transaction, because we don't even think about the energy in the transaction. We are practicing a constant energy con. This is what supplies the 150 or so Joules per second we each need to metabolise 24/7 to live.
We don't think about that either, but we are absolutely driven by it instinctively, like all of life, this is what we live for, to create by that, it's what physically gives us life.
So the energy we get from profit has to come from Earth because only Earth can be tricked to provide more energy out than was put in.
You can probably work the rest out, it completes a picture, a systemic energy view that answers an awful lot of questions.
Actually another detail fundamentally needed is E=MC squared.
It dictates that what is converted to heat from materials or other energies that are not already heat, is destruction by definition, the constant raising of temoerature. The opposite is creation. Creation can only happen from the energy of the sun, never from the energy of Earth. Taking the energy of Earth is destruction, directly related to temperature rise, before any considerations of C02, which is just an multiplier of the effects of living by energy which came from destruction.
There is only one way round the consequences of it, one way out, that is issue of massive solar stimulus, indexed to the solar energy coming in.
By that we remove everyone's requirement to continue doing things always for profit because actually we don't have a choice without that.
I hope this gives you a more complete picture of the physical problem, and the only solution.
I don't claim any credit for this being an original idea of mine, I am actually just a long practicing Systems Engineer doing my job. making observations, putting together a formal analysis.
Just nobody pays me for it, yet.
I think it will pay soon, it can't be much longer now before we make the needed change that will empower everyone, to start doing the right thing, stop practicing the energy con that is destroying the planet.
I hope so anyways. :)