I think the climate models are completely wrong, like much of science is completely wrong, because its all funded for profit now. Everywhere we look, we see only symptoms of problems being addressed, because only by addressing symptoms can profit be made. If a problem is fixed, all possibilities of profit would be removed. So now we don't fix problems, we just make businesses of problems. In fact we might even acknowledge now problems are created just so businesses for profit can exist managing the problems.
Covid was a perfect example, though it was arguably not started deliberately, it is one which was almost existential, given the worst of it is past.
But the climate problem can never be just managed, this one has to be fixed. Its much bigger than just a climate problem. Its an energy problem, climate change is just a symptom of what is at its heart an energy problem.
I think the commodification of education itself, again for profit, is responsible for progressively reducing what is known by scientists, and actually everyone to single domain specialisms, even climate science itself is a specialism, which does not wind in systemic concepts like the meaning of adiabatic, and general thermodynamics in systems contexts. For that, you need systems Engineering skills.
Worst of all, the for profit system, which is alive, teaches by rote, and encourages learning by rote, rewarding folk for exam passing skills, which is memory work, not analysis, but they learned "More efficiently" with less effort required by the education establishment to teach, and the rote learners then work only for money rather than for love of their subjects, they go into management, and earn more, controlling research companies, choosing what will and will not be researched, and what are acceptable and unacceptable research outcomes, and here we are, with climate models which claim chemical changes in an adiabatic atmosphere are capable of changing the planetary temperature.
This is wrong for many reasons, but most fundamentally, it does not account for the change of energy necessary to change the temperature of the thermal mass of the planet, which is what we are measuring, when we measure temperature.
For that, we need an awful lot of KWhrs of additional heat impulse, and this is not explained by a blanket effect, or even a greenhouse effect, which if it exists, can only be an insulator between the energy source claimed (Or even blamed!) to be doing the heating, and the thing being heated - the planet.
There is no way any atmospheric effect can somehow amplify the heating impulse of the sun without gathering more of the sun's rays to focus on the planet, no giant lens in space to do this.
So a blanket effect by itself should not cause planetary heating, but the opposite, it should act as something reducing temperature, if it has any effect at all.
So we should look for the source of that additional heating energy, and if we find it, we should conclude that this is the real source of the heating.
I argue that we've found it, in our use of money as an abstraction of energy.
More energy is transported around by money than any other means.
All one needs to do, to get that picture, is convert all money to KWhrs at market rates, and look where it goes, trace all the energy flows.
Add to that the energy flows in food, known fuels, and electricity, and we get a complete picture of all movements of energy.
Its heavily dominated by the energy in money.
Trace back out to sources, and we find two - the planet, and the sun.
We see Earth as more or less a battery which is trickle charged by the sun, plants and photosynthetic life act as the converter of the energy of the sun to the form used by all other life on the planet, including us.
We take it back out of what we should see is the negative terminal of the battery, discharging the battery, lately at a much higher rate than nature charges it, or can charge it as stands.
That can seem like an ominous, unchangeable proof of our imminent demise. The battery is running out, and the characteristic of a battery running out, seen from the inside, is exponential, we are more or less hitting the wall of depletion of all usable energy in the battery.
But look, are we not forming solar farms all over the planet, which can act like the leaves of nature, channeling in more energy back to the planet?
To me it looks like we can, and we are, already started, but there are forces in humanity trying to oppose that change. Very bad forces. A system which is alive, no less. It seeks to maintain its own energy supply, its the emergent property associated with us all acting for profit, working for it, each of us commodified education-blinded energy-ant slaves. Between us we act like a horde of ants, or pirhanas, taking bites of energy from one another as profit which have to be always propagated to the planet, because the planet is the only thing that can supply more energy out for a little put in. Energy bankruptcy for any living thing is death. For humans the minimum energy we need to metabolise is less than 100 Joules per second (100W), but our optimal energy availability is 150 Joules per second (150W) or more. So every adult human requires about 3KWhrs per day just to eat.
Anyhow its all gained from the planet by profit. Very little of it so far is taken and used from solar, because so far, we do not monetise the energy from the sun.
Because it can't be monetised for profit, its impossible to take more energy from the sun than energy put in, the sun does not accept energy put in at all, it only gives energy.
The sun can't be fooled, by the grand human energy con, the unfair human deception, which is profit.
See now we might be starting to click, that all the lies, all the deception, all the misinformation, all the bullshit business done just for profit, all the greed, the imaginary world of Enshittopia we live in, is all built on lies, and there is a price to pay for it. The price is a burning planet.
Take all the energy of profit, convert it to KWhrs, and we get figures in the right ballpark, of the energy impulse needed to actually change the thermal mass of the planet, by the temperature measured.
Add to this all the supporting circumstantial evidence, and we start to see a framework forming, some rules of nature, that have to be observed for survival, for life, any life, all life.
Its weird that religions seem to know more about this than science. To me religion and science now have to be aligned, to explain our true origins, and the history of profit and so on. We need a new view of nature which brings it all together as one system, everything connected to everything else, so we can never go off the rails of truth, ever again.
Anyhow, the solution, which fixes all, is domestic and community based solar hydrogen, where all money is issued as solar indexed stimulus, and all is controlled by a solar powered Ai - the solar powered Ai, which is already with us, ChatGPT free, its powered by architecture I've documented in stories "The Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge", and "The Money-fuel tree".
It starts, the instant solar indexed stimulus starts.
Until then (if we even do it whilst we still can), we will just see more destruction, more genocide, more wars, more planetary disaster, whilst the damage happening also is devaluation of all currency, because in the end, we didn't monetise the actual energy scaling up - solar, whilst all the others, extracted, scale down.