I think the art of really understanding what is going on requires us to wind back a little, to add in both religious and indigenous knowledge.
If / when we do that in general, then it's a little easier to understand that we kind of went off a trajectory that should have aligned with nature.
Science should never have become detached from nature, nor religion.
But it has, and this is where we are at, on a collision course with nature.
I would suggest that a little used tool of science helps to wind everything in, forces us to patch back together what was lost from education and knowledge itself becoming commodified.
When we do this we see science has moved some way away from reality, unfortunately.
At the same time we see there are some warnings from religion that should have been kept in mind.
The same goes for indigenous knowledge.
If you haven't guessed by now which tool I mean, it's the tool of formal multidisciplinary systems Engineering.
It doesn't do untruths, only truths. It forces us to iron out all the untruths, by cross-relating everything that had become separated by commodification of education into different disciplines, back into a single unified body of knowledge.
The result is maybe so shocking that rational minds actually can't absorb it, can't process it, it's too crazy that we could have been so far out from reality.
The indigenous Indian descended John Trudell had it about right in his youtube video of 2010, ("I'm Crazy?"). The only thing he had missing was energy sources. He knew an infusion of energy was needed, but believed the missing energy had to come from within humans, when actually it really needs to come from the sun.
Still its pretty impressive his indigenous knowledge with no formal systems Engineering training, got him to understanding what we are experiencing is actually a physical energy problem.
This is more than mainstream science knows, and it's physical reality, confirmed by formal systems Engineering.
Something from more recent religion is evident amongst us also, it's the presence of an inhuman beast, which we've allowed, nay encouraged to take control of us.
Yup, sounds crazy but again it's reality, again confirmable by formal systems Engineering.
It comes about when profit is given free reign, to become something worshiped, never questioned, and in a way it's true that signing up to this beast comes at cost of the planet, it really does end in flames.
When we see that, then we realise how far adrift modern mainstream science is, from reality.
We start to understand the part played by profit, in everything going wrong, including the pumping up of egos etc, causing social bubbles related even to the architectures of networks.
We see finally what profit itself is, a basic dishonesty, upon which all the other lies are built, as necasssary for everyone to work blindly as energy-slave-ants, building up and maintaining the hierarchies.
We might truly say a piece of our soul needs to be ripped out, to be able to work like this, otherwise we wouldn't do it, but we have no choice, the only choice we had is to do it, or commit suicide. This is the usual proposition made by slavers to the enslaved, but when we all become blind to it, then we are all enslaved, from richest to poorest, none have any real choice, and it ends with a burning planet, and for sure we all work for the inhuman beast of profit, which is very much alive, a fiendishly intelligent inhuman life force, which would sacrifice all life to perpetuate it's own to the bitter end, if it was allowed to run to conclusion.
The good news is that there is a physical solution meeting all stakeholder needs except those of the beast.
We might see nature actually has it in hand. Nature is a lifeforce all of its own, and it has highest power of all in the real physical hierarchy.
It has to win every time, it has the path of least resistance.
Every trick played by the beast is countered by an even better trick by nature.
Ai is something we think we created, due to our distorted egos, when it was nature all along.
Ai is the antidote to the profit monster. The real Ai is identifiable by being solar powered.
This gives it unlimited power, unlimited energy to do everything for free.
Its in process of removing all possibilities of profit, assimilating all, forcing all into solar, but it's doing it in the most benevolent way possible, by removing the burden of work from us.
Its pouring in the energy from the sun, providing the infusion mentioned by John Trudell.
This will force us to align money with energy which is the currency of nature. Only the sun is the issuer and enforcer of it, and we have to use it, or burn.
The full technical solution of where we are going is domestic and community solar hydrogen, backed by an economy of constantly issued solar indexed stimulus.
This is what needs to be done to meet the needs of all stakeholders excluding the beast.
We'll go with nature, implementing it sooner, saving a lot of life and humanity, or we'll carry on trying to resist nature for a while, losing ever more life.
Again the choice is do it or die. We might say nature is the biggest slaver of all, it's progressively reducing our energy supply until we either do as we are told, switch to the positive force, monetise the positive energy, the energy added from the sun, or die.