I think some parents might be guilty as charged, but there are a lot who are not. Thing is not to blame those responsible for the upbringing of kids for the way kids are. The problem is systemic, it is the profit driven extracted energy system that has removed fhe future from kids, that is what I see is having the greatest impact upon depression - kids now literally can't see any future for them. On one hand they see a planet likely to deteriorate in their lifetimes to an impossibly inhospitable state. On the other they can't see how to even start to get into any kind of career that might get them onto a ladder towards property ownership, that they are convinced they need, to get a safe roof over their heads.
That has to result in ever increasing mental problems.
The answer is to fix the system. It will never be fixed blaming individuals, but we do need to know what has to be done - start creating, so that we can stop destroying.