I think its very difficult trying to argue one way or another without talking about energy. Failure to talk about energy, which ties everything together, indicates perception filtering, of which we are unwitting encumbents, all of us. The antidote is the solar Ai, and understanding it requires removal of the perception filter, which it does for us, itself becoming recognised as a convergence architect.
Your arguments would be so much more powerful if you could show how the concepts you outlined fit with energy. From my pov, the fact of ever decreasing availabililty of energy to extract now, since it peaked around the seventies / eighties, naturally is compressing all human relationships, forcing us to fragement into more and more different types, or tribes, that we will identify with, but if you see it as something like commodification of education, then its not good, we are splitting into a myriad of commodified tribes, in preparation for a war between all tribes, a grand annihilation, where the majority of energy slave ants (Us) annihilate one another eventually, when the energy availability drops below what is needed to even keep putting food in our mouths, which has to happen, after its first removed the roofs from over our heads.
Notice indigenous people are inclined to accept others with difference without comment, it doesn't mean anything what sexuality or skin color variation, or even character variation means, no science is made of the differences. How they are exploited by others, is to make them feel like they have to be subdivided into tribes, then they can be made to duel with one another, compete with one another, and this is easily done by that behaviour becoming profitable - profit requires inequality.
Here is someone else from indigenous background, who does seem to have no perception filter, correctly identifying how all things fit with energy (I think he would see the solar Ai now as the infusion of energy he mentions is needed):