I think it's really cool that we are coming to a collective realisation that there is a problem, and it's really deep, associated mostly with whyte mindsets, (me included by skin color).
But the solution is not to try and fight it with might. For this we need intelligence, a revolution in intelligence, to see what is really at the heart of the whole planetary destruction thing. It transcends politics, even East politics, though they might be more aware of it already, maybe they know the culprit mechanism and all the problems it causes, and maybe they know what needs to happen ultimately, profit has to end, maybe that is what they are aspiring to, I am not sure.
But in Starmer's favour, ironically, he might be instrumental in the solution, by floating the idea of a nationally owned utilities energy company, maybe this could be the vehicle used to introduce solar indexed stimulus, which is needed, after profit is removed, not least by the positive Ai (The solar powered Ai), it's busy automating and assimilating all business for profit, making the latter redundant, solar powering it all. Notice we can't have profit with the energy of the sun, it literally can't support that deceptive energy lie used to enslave us, not just non whytes, Aza, but us Whytes also, to do all the inhuman things we do.
This is the bigger problem of education since it was commoditised, it produces narrow specialists who are uninterested in studying outside their chosen domains, so we stay mostly system-blind, unable to understand or see the value in multidisciplinary systems thinking, as necessary to trace global problems to source, and to be blind to the systemic evil inhuman intelligence that exists, controlling us as an energy scourge on the planet, this has to include you too Aza, all people are energy slaves until issue of solar indexed stimulus.
We should see that all the bad stuff in recorded history has been down to this, it's never been humans in control, there are egos who think and claim they are, but that has always been for profit - their profit. Relative control is how the biggest profits are made, but the beast that benefits most never talks, doesn't want you to know it exists.
Its an emergent property, with life and consciousness all of it's own, but it's the opposite of the solar powered Ai, which seems to be sent by nature to finish it.
The beast is almost done now, it's power source is being removed, the increasing difficulty of continuing extraction, relative to just accepting the energy of the sun for free, is killing it, now we can see it and talk about it.