I think it is very cool folk like yourself are thinking of ideas that might make a difference, thanks for posting.
To me it looks like there is coming a reckoning, the system of capital, debt, and energy from stored Earth resources is coming to a practical end, where it can no longer be maintained. It is now on wind-down. It peaked arguably when we had things like folk walking on the moon, and commercial supersonic flights, but since then, our Engineering Icons / hallmarks of advanced civilisation have been disappearing.
We are depleting rapidly, because the energy sources we have been using to do all of this work have themselves been depleting.
Something very significant that happened recently was when $4Tn stimulus was issued in the US in one Month.
Oil prices went negative for the first time for any commodity in history.
The envronment including fish stocks, coral, and air quality all showed a spike of recovery.
Gold, Bitcoin, and pretty much all capital assets floundered.
Stocks in still loved yet bankrupt companies soared.
The dollar itself, the currency issued, went up in value, rather than down.
People were trading with free money using the Robinhood app, to put money on the things that mattered to them. No-one was interested in profit, because the money they received was for free.
They were donating. They were voting, with their freely donated money.
Right there we saw true fine-grained democracy, the only time in history, it seems to me. And they voted resoundingly against oil.
In my analyses, the reason the freely issued money suffered no apparent price impact in markets is explained by the presence now of solar powered cryptocurrencies. By those we are pumping wealth into the economy in the form of solar energy donated from the sun; an entirely extraterrestrial source, which is so far not formally recognised as valuable.
It has gone beyond MMT.
Now we look around, and it is apparent most folk are questioning the whole working for bullshit industry ethic, we know there has to be a better way to do things, than wasting energy with bullshit industries which are all crashing anyway.
So there is coming a time when there will be literally hundreds of millions homeless and starving, in every country, not only the ones already suffering in poorer countries.
They will again demand free money, and again it will have to be given.
With that, capital will devalue, until it becomes apparent we need to change from having a stored energy standard on money (the gold standard), to having a live energy standard (Joules per token), and to maximise the value of every currency, it will be necessary to have that currency backed by physical reception of actual Joules of solar energy, reflecting the money issued.
We will get to that system, by demanding free money, and never stopping demanding it, it seems to me.