I think it is interesting how keen we seem to be to isolate the Earth from the sun, so as to put the laws of thermodynamics on it as a closed box, reflected further by our zero-sum game economic system, yet it isn't a closed box, the sun provides all the energy on Earth, creating everything on it, even the materials of Earth.
We move to the strange place of being seemingly unable to solve the practical energy problem now existentially facing us, because we can't truly factor in that we have to move to using the energy of the sun directly, the resistance being based on arguments that the energy on Earth is not all from the sun at all, based in turn on the theory that the materials of Earth formed from space gas and dust by accretion, which is based on the big bang theory.
What I see is aggressive possesion of the lucrative intellectual property that is the big bang theory, triumphing over the very simple logic required to see that the energy of the sun is the only way out of this mess.
I never did fully accept the big bang. Expansion between things is proven, by various means of measurement. But convergence going back in time, is not. We have no proof our atoms themselves are not expanding, no way of measuring this, therefore no reason or basis to assume they are not, therefore no reason to assume convergence looking back in time, so no reason to accept the big bang.
What seems to be driving us to make the required assumptions, putting limits on things where there are none, is the basic instinct to conquer and possess.
We need to be able to bite off a manageable chunk, to conquer it.
I see this happening all the way through the energy argument, false lifetimes are put on solar farms, computed from the lifetime of a single panel, so as to get a computable EROI, when actually the lifetime is unlimited if the farm is maintained in the same way as a tree replaces its leaves, one by one.
Further, the profit case for Joules received for free from the sun, nothing asked in return, is not computable, unless a bite sized chunk is considered, hence the reason we always charge for kWhrs, Or Joules, Never for Joules per second, or Watts, which is what the energy of the sun actually is, energy in motion, travelling from A to B, a function of time, with a definite mathematical sign, indicating direction of flow.
Even though I never had much regard for the big bang theory, it never meant enough for me to try to dispute it, until now.
Now it's existential guys, not just an intellectual debate about who is the cleverest of them all, now it is about the big bang being fallacy standing in the way of us practically fixing the energy problem facing us right now, manifesting as war, soon to go nuclear, with planetary environmental collapse immediately following.
So now I rant about it in responses like this.