I think it has to be concluded that we will never change the way people react to threats / crisis, real or imagined, there will always be some who react with atrocity.
What needs to be done, is to remove the source of the crisis, which is energy insecurity.
This has now become the primary threat to all people, all other things like war, hunger, poverty and threat of nuclear, and even environmental damage now actually stem from the higher level threat of energy insecurity.
Sorting that out should be the primary defence concern of all countries now.
The only way to remove that threat, defusing its capability to end us by nuclear or other aggression, is to fix the energy problem.
We have the energy problem as long as the Joules being pushed to us from the sun, that we put to use are not being reflected by the issue of money.
This is like a plant, in which there is no flow of nutrients to transport energy, yet the leaves are receiving the energy of the sun.
It isn't natural, and of course it is unsustainable.
Only the money issuers can change that, only they can issue the money carrying out in humanity the same function as nutrients in nature, so it is they we should be focusing our attention on, all countries, all governments, all people, to ask why, it seems to me.