I think hydrogen has been the unfortunate victim of your ire here.
You are almost on the nail, but just missing it, imho.
On the nail, would be identifying the real problem underlyiinig the whole "Renewable Energy" business.
Mixing up all kinds of energy from profit with the only energy that can be had for no profit (Actually in a way it kind of insists), is solar.
That together with hydrogen provides the solution to all things, but it probably means the end of all business whcih exists only for profit "to put bums on seats", so as to speak, or as David Graeber would put it, Bullshit business.
Some plus points for hydrogen, given it is generated only from solar:
It functionally replaces fossil fuels with none of the pollution.
It not only can fuel everything electromechanical, but also organic (See "Solein"), removing some of the burden from the conventional food chain, allowing it to recover.
Given the right requirements on hydrogen fuel cell and HEV manufacturers, a hydrogen fueled ecology would have a nice side effect of purifying water, and transporting it to all places that might need it.
Isn't it interesting we are starting to get concerned about drinking water, and this just happens to address that concern?
To me it has god signs all over it, this is the way nature wants us to go, and actually is insisting, if we read all the signs