I sympathise with folk trying to write in Medium to make a living. I don't even try to do that, my mission is to try to educate folk as to what needs to be done technically to change the bigger system in a way that changes everything. Remove the profit motive, which is intricately linked with where we get our energy from, thus freeing up the energy (And thus money) available to all of us, then only folk writing for love will be left. All the others will turn to other things they might be more interested in, probably adding more value to our world in ways we have yet to imagine.
I've written stories about Medium too, more than once. The one below comes from before I could completely see how energy fits in, so would keep that in mind, if you read it, but the prinicples still stand, the only difference is that solar monetised power has to be added at the input to supply all overheads and all funds as Kardashev Money, no need for the platform to make profit, but every reason to reward all participants.