I still say the only sensible thing that can be done about this, the only fairly enforcable action, is to elevate Metcalfe's law to statutory.
We seem to be going through a time of mass thrashing out of truth vs lies.
Hopefully we'll get it all thrashed out soon, but the instant anyone tries to interfere with freedom of speech, the network loses value, where "Value" means the net value to all of humanity.
The act of interfering with a network does things with butterfly effects nobody can predict, and its always bad, never good.
Nobody knows the full truth about anything. It's always systemic, and it's often dynamic, changing from moment to moment. No human has the capacity to know what the whole truth is about anything, but the collective intelligence is what is important.
If offensive or harmful speech is attempted to be cut, the extremists / psychos are isolated into bubbles, where they just become more extreme, so problems are not fixed by censorship, they are caused by censorship, more or less proving Metcalfe's law to be correct (As if it has not already been proven in many, many ways already).
I think it's pretty naive of you to try to claim corporate for-profit companies, or even governments, actually could have the interests of individuals other than the leaders of these things themselves, at heart, Will.
Seriously, do you really expect us, to believe you when you say they should be responsible for their customers or citizens, really?
Maybe morally, they should be, but look, when push comes to shove, every human has to throw others under a bus to just survive in what is being maintained as a zero-sum system. We are all competing for a finite energy pot, right? They are no different, and we can see this now.
I do think that if/when we can make the change to mathematically positive energy (Solar), which means eliminating profit, we won't worry about censorship any longer, it will become a non-argument. Network fiddling will be seen as always something negative, its a kind of artfificial energy scarcification, which we will have a very dim view of, all of us, when we get to see the alternative.