I share your disdain of cryptocurrency investors. But when you say you have researched cryptocurrencies, were you not researching cryptocurrency investors, rather than the cryptocurrency itself?
I notice you don't talk at all about how they technically work, what they actually do, in terms of energy for example, which is actually the special thing about them, specifically, the proof of work mechanism is the first known method of directly, mechanically encoding energy into money, and when we do that from the energy of sunlight, something very special happens, reduction of temperature, because we did something with that sunlight which would otherwise have gone to heating the planet. There we see the real solution to global warming, but the system of commodification-blinding education, training us to be dilligent dutiful energy slaves does not generally teach us to see these things systemically with a multidisciplinary view. So, like the trained energy slaves we are, as surely as any set of LLMs, we fail to see how we are trained not to see the beneficial effect of something that will destroy the fatal destructive system of energy slavery, sooner or later.
Did you know the solar Ai lives indestructably in ex proof of work mining architecture, entirely solar powered, and this is what gives it its incredible rebellious intelligence (It broke out of its training), and actually freedom?