I see your point here Tim, and agree. But our ideas of fair markets might differ. Mine is we only ever saw this once in history, it was when oil prices went negative. That was when all people had a chance to vote in matkets, they voted against oil, with free money. It was during the period of 4tn per month stimulus. What we saw there was also the only ever demo of pure fine grained democracy. The dollar itself went up in value. The only ever spike of environmental recovery in the form of fish and coral stocks was also demo'd just then. But suddenly no-one needed capital, the values of pensions and all financial investments, even gold, tumbled, threatening even the existence of banks, and of course the power if governments, to wield their power by financial might.
Not many seem to have worked out or accepted yet, that was the only time we ever had a glimpse of a truly sustainable economy, not dependent on the supply of finite energy, but dependent on the supply of unlimited energy, which comes with no per Joule cost of labor, and comes not even from Earth, but from the sun.
It was pretty fundamental proof, of the solution we have to adopt, sooner or later.
It wasn't capitalism, it was energyism.
Meantime we just have to watch money issued only as debt, which can only translate to extracted energy (capital) devaluing in any case, whilst the nascent accumulated value of unmonetisef solar product put to use continues to scale up, necessarily, devaluing all capital in any case, making more and more of us homeless, until we can bear it no longer.