I see that as a gauntlet thrown down Mike. Actually one I probably needed, given it was thrown by your good self with the best of intentions, thanks for that.
I am at part three of the system solution, titled "Sourcing hydrogen Equipment", showing how to use freely available DMN modeling tools, to produce practical solar hydrogen systems suitable for domestic and community application.
As I keep saying, all we need to do to reverse the damage done by converting the entire stock of fossil fuels consumed so far, to heat, is to convert a similar amount of energy that would become heat if we didn't use it, to things other than heat, like nature does.
You can't deny that is the truth, it's too obvious :)
All we need is the system to do it.
The power we will see from that dwarfs anything seen by use of fossil fuels to date, and it really does have to bring back down temperature, just looking at the physics.
An integral part of the system is money, this has to change from reflecting capital, to reflecting only energy, like it already is in markets.
That happens the instant we start issuing it in the same way the energy was issued, for free, with nothing asked in return.
That part is the most difficult, I don't see a way that authorities will be convinced to do that, until it might be acknowledged that not doing it is the real physical reason for the inflation we are seeing, which won't stop, until the money is changed to reflect that a new, donated energy source, the only source stiil increasing while the others decrease, is now having major effect on money.