I see no physical way of proving that assertion / belief.
Do you think there still exists any kind of life on Mars?
In general, noting we are criticising one another, you seem to have more faith in what you believe is your knowledge of human behavior, than you might have in nature.
Nature does have a will, in all of this, it actually wants us to survive, all of us, this would be how to maximise decrease of entropy, which logically has to be the purpose of all of life.
If you recognise that there is an emergent property associated with us, controlling and coordinating us like a swarm of ants to hoover up all energy, like ants hoover up all food, the next phase now that energy has run thin at the peripherals, is genocide of the worker ants at the peripherals, and we can see this has already started.
The emergent property is trained behaviour, it's trained just like the emergent property we see in Ai like ChatGPT, and this training was done by traumatising us a long time ago, into accepting the energy lie of profit.
The most idiotic / psychotic aggressive morons in history brutalised the majority population into accepting they had to devote their energy to those idiot human leaders, and this started the anti-environment energy scourge of humanity.
This is my evaluation of things, given what we know of history, and what we know of the physical environmental problem. Behind it all is energy, and profit is a deception which has resulted in us losing understanding of what energy means, we just hoover it up like ants, funneling it back to the core, never really knowing what we are doing, never seeing it was always unsustainable, always had to end in tears one day, when the planet is depleted of the energy we can safely take. Now it comes at ever increasing environmental damage, all indicated by the increasing temperature which is direct increase of entropy, since we hoodwinked ourselves, again for profit, and again in ant mode, into believing in the existence of greenhouse gases, despite the atmosphere being adiabatic, and we confuse profits being made, as success, just because profit was made.
Covid wasn't fixed. Ah but it's OK, profit was made.
Now the planet is ending, the conclusion of desertification over 2000 odd years, but it's OK, if we can write a few stories that make some profit, selling the most shocking stories, most likely to shock folk into genocide and accepting genocide, rather than doing something cool headed and sensible, then everything is just fine, the genocide will stop at the peripherals, right?
Not really, there is a logical problem. The damage, the desertification, the hoovering up of all energy and all life will continue as long as any humans are left at all still foraging in ant-energy-slave for profit mode.
All of this is whilst we have the alternative extraterrestrial energy source of the sun creating economic product which is not recognised, because recognising it will stop profit. It's not possible to have the economic benefits of the energy of the sun at profit. The problem is any imbalance in what we see coming in, vs what we say we got, when KWhrs are all added up, all audited, the difference has to be made up by extraction from the planet.
In other words, if a utilities energy business is set up supplying energy to the public, it cannot be at profit, because profit is an energy lie, get it?
This is the problem, knowing this, we see it's optional, the enforcement of scarcity necessitating everyone to participate in the energy slavery is completely unnecessary, optional, because the economic product building up since 2005 can be monetised, but the problem is, the energy lie of profit needs to be exposed, it needs to be accepted, it needs to be relegated to history.
Otherwise we are willfully ending the planet, on a lie.