I see a few problems with this, even though it might be done with the best of intentions, like any effort done treating the symptoms of the problem, all of it, assuming it is a for-profit company offering the service, they have to convert their own profit to temperature impulse, to see what difference that makes to the source problem, to see that nothing they can do will make any improvement at all, only make it worse, like any other multiplier of negative (Extracted) energy use, it can only push up the temperature even harder, because the energy in profit, all profit, has to be extracted from the planet.
In fact, even if it is officially a non profit, paid from the coffers of government, the government then has to put the burden of payment onto the public via taxes or whatever, and we then subsequently will make the profit needed to make the payments to government - again it all comes extracted from the planet, until we are all solar powered.
An analogy would be us using electricity which comes via a heating element for an oven, which we are inside, the more energy we draw through the heating element, the more the oven heats.
Eventually the contents of the oven will become highly flammable, even explosive, if we just keep on heating it, it dries out and starts to generate flammable dust and particles, which eventually will go to an explosive mix with the air, as we are seeing.
The only way to stop the oven heating, is to switch our energy requirement over to a source which instead of heating the oven, cools the oven, the more of it we put to use.
Notice the things burning are what used to do that, so the more of it that burns, the less there is being done to reduce the temperature rise.
The energy source we need to switch to, is the only one that does the opposite of heating the planet when we use it, it is the only one additive to the planet, the only one mathematically positive - the energy of the sun.