I really like this theory. It complements the work I've felt driven to do voluntarily for the past six, nearly seven years, in an effort to try to apply the skills and experience of many years practice as a Systems Engineer to analysing and solving what I've seen coming since starting a PhD in 2017, what I call the global energy problem.
Maybe this will help reductionists understand that what we now need to do is not to downsize, but actually a burst of effort needed to be "born", from dependence on the energy of our mother host, to dependence on the energy of the environment of our mother host, the energy of the sun.
I've been looking for more tools to add to the armory of understanding this as a species, the FEP is definitely something useful in this.
If it is not already included in the FEP, it might be worth noting that another way of seeing the object of reduction of uncertainty, in practical terms is our relentless pursuit of ever cheaper energy.
We are naturally metamorphing towards the energy of the sun, now that the cost of energy from Earth is going up, relative to the difficulty of obtaining it.
The trouble is we are tied to energy always costing something to some stakeholder or another, if not only Earth, the only one that can and does supply truly free energy, the energy that created everything we know, is the energy of the sun.
It does have a demand that we use its energy, in fact an ultimatum, as we are seeing, - use it or burn.
The sun is demanding we are born!