I read a lot of your articles and mostly like them, but this one sounded a little like standard investor "Advice", though I don't blame you for your grim view.
This is exactly what the established order wishes you to think and say. They are the ones really hammering the bells of doom, per your quote, they are the ones claiming there will be massive scarcity.
They wish to maintain the power of capital, and they will, if we let them, and even help them to do. We help them when we resign ourselves to believing that there is actual scarcity, "No more money where it came from before", or no more money after we drain what we have left, if we have no job, or no other business, we are done.
Absolutely not true. I won't bore with the technical details of the proof of why (It is in the sum of my other stories here in Medium), but it has to do with solar power, which is vastly understimated, because the scarcity enforcers actually wish that to be so, despite formal physical proof of the truth.
To realise scarcity is false, we can just look where we saw evidence of abundance before, plain and simple, all of us.
Just maybe many didn't remember it, as it wasn't much marked by mainstream media.
Think of when the old order turned against Trump.
What did he do, to upset them so bad?
He issued $4Tn stimulus, in one month, in the US, followed by several more months of similarly massive stimulus, remember?
We might have noticed then that oil prices went negative, the only time ever, for any commodity in history. Shares in "Bankrupt" but still loved companies soared, and laws were changed in the US to allow that to continue. Warrent Buffet, and other whale investors quit the markets, claiming "Something had gone wrong with money".
Nothing had gone wrong with money. The dollar value itself even went up in value, whilst the kings of investment capital, gold, and even Bitcoin languished. Even better, fish, coral, and air all made brief spikes of recovery towards health.
For the first time in history, ordinary people were given the same power as the wealthy enjoy, the power to vote for the things that were important to them, with money they received for free. They weren't interested in profit, because the money was received for free, so they voted for the companies, products, and services they knew and loved, and against the things everyone knows is not so good, like oil.
Was it sustainable? Absolutely, I've explained why, but again its a long story.
In short, the sun is something very powerful, doing a lot more than it is given credit for, now in our economy.
Nikola Tesla knew this also, 120+ years ago. That is why he was defunded from doing it by JP Morgen, his only funder, a man determined to maintain the false power of capital, so here we are, two world wars, flooded in weapons and other pollution of all descriptions up to nuclear and even biological, all over the world, and we now facing planetary disaster from global environmental changes.
But now the solar implementation is well underway, there is significant wealth in money given out now, to be sustainable, even at high levels for all people.
Trump blew the gaff wide open, whether he meant to or not, he exposed that it was possible to issue massive stimulus to all people, indefinitely. The dollar did not go down in value, because the old rules of dilution of capital do not apply any longer, due to the presence of solar power, it changes everything.
So if you are preparing to do anything, when the crisis comes along, just demand the free money, rather than preparing to be just more fodder in "Hunger games". Why do you think they are so intent to make sure everyone is armed to the teeth? Becasue they want a cull, rather than people be given the power that they have, they want all ordinary folk to turn to one another, and massacre one another.
The free money belongs to all, and is incredibly valuable.
After that is realised, and gotten by everyone, the world will be a very different place, in my opinion.