I never hear you talk in terms of energy Avi. Yet you are a scientist, and energy is something that can't lie, it's the essence of truth and information at its deepest level.
For sure if you planned a space trip to somewhere far off, you would definitely need to do a full systems analysis of the trip in terms of energy.
You would need a full analysis of energy budget.
The instant the spaceship leaves Earth, money is no longer important, only energy.
So what is the obsession, on Earth, faced with a global energy problem, that looks like an energy budgeting problem, to never talk about it in terms of energy?
To me it's the realisation that by digging into it too deeply, we will come across something we maybe all know instinctively, spiritually, that it's all built on a fundamental lie, the energy lie of profit.
A lot of difficult questions come up, questions which when we answer truthfully, might even jeapordise our chances of ever being employed within the profit driven system, ever again. In fact we might even find ourselves targeted by the system in a way it effectively cancels us, even our ability to have a bank account, endangering our ability to stay alive, everyone in the cancellation loop "just doing their jobs".
You won't have to worry about that I guess from what you are saying, no shortage of funds there :)
But I bet you wouldn't be free to put some of those funds towards any effort that might undermine the ability of whoever supplied the funds to make profit in the future, even if it is needed to assist figuring out and implementing the system solution, the only truly survivable thus sustainable system though :)
We know it isn't energy lying, when money somehow makes money, yet money is energy always in markets, always having a price in KWhrs, energy is gained, and it's by a basic deception because we never think about it.
The sun is immune from deception, it simply doesn't respond to any inputs, deceptive or otherwise.
So the energy gained in money has to be from the planet.
And look, every time we extract energy from the planet, the planet heats, and look, it's starting to burst into flames.
And yet, all attempts to address the issue have to be funded by yet more profit. And look, the temperature rise is accelerating. Surprise surprise.
Like taxes, we've become dependent on generation of CO2 so that businesses can be made from it, just to keep bums on seats.
The same thing can be said of every illness treated by pharmaceuticals, and some even by specialist surgery, the system begs us to fall ill so that it can make some money from us, but only if we have some money to take. Otherwise we just get left to suffer with the ailment.
Are you free from all of that Avi? Are you free to talk in terms of energy, instead of in terms of money?