I might be jaundiced, because when we realise what the driver of profit actually does to totally screw up everything including science, it makes us a little ashamed to admit we've gone with it all this time without questioning it.
How could we have had batteries for over a hundred years, and never thought to mathematically sign the enrgy flows in and out of Earth so as to audit it and the effects of it on global temperature, until the planet is lterally burning, to find that profit itself is actually a dishonest mechanism directly driving the whole thing, as a kind of giant, obviously unsustainable energy Ponzi.
How has it taken a hundred years for us to question this?
With this outstanding, I am sorry to say so much is thrown into question, the big bang is only one of many.
To me it is clutching at straws to try to rescue the big bang theory by saying fudge factors are ok in some circumstances but not in some others.
A question I've never heard a satisfactory answer to is, where did it all start, where is the point of origin, whiy does it not triangulate?
With no definable origin, no initial condition, what was it that made somebody jump to the conclusion it had to be limited nonetheless?
Is it a coincidence the same limited mindset assumption is made that nothing is for free, nothing can be unlimited, it all has to come from finite, quantifiable stocks of things?
This is the reason so many think the planet is doomed, when actually it isn't, but they could bring on doom by believing there is no solution, whilst there is a perfectly fine solution that they literally cannot see, can't comprehend, that energy is actually for free, unlimited for our purposes, nature insists.