I loved this, thanks for posting, you have a brilliant way of putting things. And you appear to be all for social change, also great. So hopefully you will be happy to accept when you could be wrong, specifically about growth.
Growth becomes a problem for anything living on finite resources, it has to reach a stage of either dying, or being born, moving its dependence onto the relatively infinite reosources of the enveronment beyond is mother, or egg, like a baby, or a chicken, or even a plant, which has just sprouted its first leaves.
Humanity has just sprouted its first leaves in the form of solar farms all over Earth.
Now the positive energy from those, fed from the positive energy from the sun, is pushing back the negative Joules from the Earth, that we used so effectively previously, but we have yet to realise what a huge difference it makes when the energy comes from a positive, infinite source.
To get to that, we have to start issuing money on those free Joules, whereas at the moment we subtract money on those Joules, because we didn't think to always preserve the mathematical sign of energy, positive if it adds to Joules already on Earth, and negative if obtaining them results in a reduction of Joules on Earth.
Long and short of it is, there is a physical reason for inflation now which never existed before, since around 2005, distributed solar energy use has slowly scaled up, despite being demonetised by being mixed with all of the negative energies we always monetised.
The result is the amount of money issued follows the utilities energy industry, which is profit driven, depeding in turn on energy by extraction, locked into it by money issued only as debt, and that industry is being pushed into decline by the appearance of solar energy, literally physically pushing it back, where it is connected to grids, in a way that the grid energy companies are having to give away the money they made previously from their customers, as more and more of those customers begin to receive more energy than they themselves need, reducing the turnover of the utility companies.
So the utilities business is declining, though it doesn't admit it, and the issue of money to those business is declining, as the market for fuel also declines, reducing the ability of all profit driven business to keep making profit, because profit, all profit, depends entirely on scarcity, which at source is controlled by enforcing scarcity of energy.
They've lost control, and they don't know what to do about it, it seems to me, and the reason they don't know, is because no-one thought to mathematically sign energy, allowing that to propagate to all things.
Now there is only one way to monetise free energy, which is positive energy, the energy from the sun, and that is to issue money on it directly, per Joule received and put to use economically.
That has to be done, regardless of how much is connected to grids, because in the end, it is the product we are finding useful, therefore valuable. Money has to come to represent that product, or continue to become worth nothing, hence inflation.
When that problem is fixed, by issue of free money, then the world you wish finally comes, we from that point on free to choose whether or not to work, whether or not to vote in markets with free money to save bankrupt companies we still want to have product from, like we did before, when free money was issued during covid. Not many folk realised it at the time, but that was the first time we ever had real fine-grained democracy, when ordinary folk could trade in markets, with no need or interest in making profit, and oil went negatively priced, and the environment showed it can recover, the only time in history.
That's what needs to happen again, but this time, they need to just turn on the money taps and walk away, the markets free of profit will do the rest.
Then all energy used will be positive, no pollution, no planetary damage, only benefit, because positive Joules mean creation, not destruction, the opposite of negative Joules, which by definition are destruction, which is unsustainable.
To me, we are just being born as a species, but the danger is this is far from certain, there are many things that could derail the process, by not chaning as necessary, in which case we are stillborn as a species.
Here is a more numerical, mathematical proof, from current events: