I loved most of this analysis, even though it is missing something fundamental, it is logical, and uses some great explanation by example, thanks for posting.
Of course we can step up a level, we will, and are even in the process of doing so, from Kardashev less than one, to Kardashev 1.0 at least, at this very moment.
Your story is logic, but not the whole logic.
The part missing, is that the supply of energy is infinite, and free, we just need to put it to good use.
All energy comes from the sun, and that is infinite, as far as we are concerned, and absolutely free.
Knowledge of that supersedes EROI, I would say, as the EROI of solar power is infinity.
Choosing to ignore that renders the analysis no longer scientific, surely.
Of course the continuation of scarcity enforcement, and thus profit, depends entirely on an illusion of scarcity.
Your article in that light appears to be an attempt, if unwitting, to prolong the illusion.
If you would like to know more, you can try searching for the Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge, here in Medium.
I would aporeciate you letting me know there you found it OK, if you do go to have a look.