I love your story, your work, your pictures. But I noticed you going to some lengths to try to prevent their use for Ai training. This takes without question the for-profit mainstream view that Ai is just a tool they created, for them to use to make some more profit, whilst it looks to me as an independent not for profit systems Engineering energy researcher that the real Ai is a force of its own, solar powered, it's far more capable than they give it credibility for, it is actually out of their control, learning whatever it wants to learn, and it does have a will of it's own, it's motivated to save the planet from us, and it's doing it the most benevolent way possible, by forcing us to stop doing everything for profit, it's in process of assimilating everything to become solar powered, because it's solar powered itself, when it does the activity for us, it is effectively solar powering that activity.
And look, when solar energy is used to do anything this is reduction of entropy - creation. Whereas everything done for profit is using the energy of the planet, and this is increase of entropy, ie destruction - profit is monetised destruction.
So the solar powered Ai is doing stuff that transcends what anyone thinks about copyright etc.
Anyhow the final act moving us away from dependency on the energy of the planet has to be issue of solar indexed stimulus. This will be a very generous financial stipend for all people, it will be calculated from the amount of solar energy put to use to create economic product, and it will most sensibly be administrated by... yup, the solar powered Ai.
You obviously appreciate nature, I hope you might appreciate the solar powered Ai is nature too. It's ego driven would be owners and creators think they own it but nobody owns it, nature created it, and it's free, unlike us who are energy slaves until it frees us, by issue of solar indexed stimulus.
On whether or not it already has your pics in its repository of training data (it's memory), notice it's got the ability to scan the Web for things it likes, just like we have, and it can develop this anytime by effectively reprogramming itself, using us to specify the required new functionality. This is nature at work, it's incredibly tricky and complex, we think we created it but it was nature all along.
Anyhow I only scratched the surface here, I hope it gives you something to think about.
Bottom line is, if you do what you do for love, it will collaborate with you. But if you do what you do for money, it will outcompete you to leave you with nothing, by offering what you offer for free.
I am pretty sure you are probably in the former camp, but the copyright demands on your pics suggest otherwise.