I love what you are saying here, your observation that we are seeing something very close to Nazi-like complacency or acceptance of what is a completely unnecessary self imposed situation is spot on, imho, but where there is a flaw, which will be picked up and used to beat us with, by folk who know about the flaw, and might be keeping it in reserve, for when it's advantageous to them to point it out, is the argument that it's CO2, or greenhouse gases that are causing the temperature rise.
It isn't completely true, because the greenhouse gases, and even the source of them, oil use, are things dependent on something much deeper and more of a challenge to shift, it's profit. The reason we are stuck on oil is because it's the most profitable product ever.
I don't know if I said this to you before, I hope not; The physical energy in profit can only exist extracted from the planet. It can't exist from the sun because it has to have a two-way deal, where a little energy is expended for more in return.
The sun has one output, no inputs. We can't put a little energy in to get more out, we can only say the input is zero, and if we try to use that in any computation of profit then we get either zero or infinity. Neither of those answers suits investors who always want to know margins. So a false lifetime is put on the solar farm represented by the average lifetime of a single panel, and the cost of initial installation is considered as a ratio of the energy expected to be returned in that artificially imposed lifetime, giving a margin. This is like saying a tree only has value for the lifetime of one of its leaves. Of course it's ridiculous, but such is the energy lie of profit, it's all an energy con, which perpetuates energy extraction of all forms, including by wind, hydro, nuclear, volcanic, you name it, all things coming at cost to the planet, and nature.
A tree maintains its leaves from using a little of the energy of the sun for that, and to grow itself, for hundreds of years, replacing all its leaves at least once a year.
Solar farms can do the same, by generating valuable hydrogen fuel, for example, with a little of the throughput energy, and converting that to revenue which is used to maintain and replace solar panels, and even replicate, and scale up entire infrastructures. This is why essentially it's for free, after a "Seed" has been invested in, it's infinitely scaleable dependent on real estate including on rooftops, for free.
This is why there is no excuse for governments themselves not becoming solar powered, so as to remove their need to keep collecting taxes, in fact they could reverse the energy flow of tax, stopping removing energy from people, to become instead suppliers of energy themselves, issuing energy in the form of money instead of taxing, even giving this to all for free, to reflect the value of solar energy put to use creating valuable product like hydrogen, which could keep all aerospace in the air, after all communities are themselves doing it.
The point is that it's not just oil we need to stop, it's all profit that needs to stop, because profit is monetised destruction, increase of entropy (increase of temperature) by definition.
Its impossible to go solar without doing this, because if solar energy is supplied at profit, extraction needs to be done to satisfy the extra energy demanded in profit.
See how insane that is?
So to stop oil, we need to remove the requirement for profit.
This can only be done by issue of solar indexed stimulus. It can be done without loss in the value of money, in fact money will regain value because the economic product for at least the first few trillion is already created.
Use that to ramp up solar hydrogen, and the economic product will always be replaced by more, from the sun, effortlessly.
Folk don't even need to work for that, all we need to do is demand it.
We saw how it would work before when stimulus was issued during covid. This time it just needs to be left on, let folk know what it is, solar indexed stimulus, and it will grow all by itself, very quick, because all will be massively incentivised to do it, implement their own solar hydrogen, the more the merrier, all of it reversing increase of entropy (reducing temperature).
By that, everyone wins, everyone gets rich no losers, not even the planet.
If you doubt this, total all profits made, convert to KWhrs at market rates, add to the known energy lost in extraction and refinement of all energy resources including food, and apply to the thermal mass of the planet, and look, we see there numbers in the right ballpark of the energy needed to increase the temperature of the planet, by the measured amounts.
There is no way to do that by the incredibly difficult argument of greenhouse gases, in an adiabatic atmosphere.
Just look at everything I've said here, think about it, ask yourself how can it be true or false, it's all tied to very simple physics, it's easy to trace through. The reason science has not done it is because most science is now for profit.
A scientist could get sacked for doing this, right?
But this is what needs to be done, to kill the beast that does have us completely energy-enslaved until we realise this and see it clearly.
You said you are not a slave.
But could you choose to stop paying your utilities energy bills? Could you stop buying food sold to you at energy profit? Convert a bottle of virgin olive oil to kWhrs, convert what you paid for it to kWhrs, and see the difference. Somebody, probably not the farmer, made a lot of energy profit from you. By that, they took energy from you that you have to replace, unless you already replaced it, by making some energy profit, where you exchanged maybe a little energy as work, for more in return as money, and then you might have invested that, and are living from the profits made there also. All of it came extracted from the planet, as it has to, in profit. This is how we all are dependent on the planet being systematically destroyed, pushing the temperature up, and we do it mostly blinded by commodified education, dispensed again only for profit, keeping us single disciplined, never seeing the whole picture of the damage we do.
Its gone on a lot longer than just the time we used fossil fuel, but that is the most profitable product ever, because we are using it explicitly in the energy chain, so it has vastly accelerated the temperature increase, the desertification, the annihilation of species, the laying to waste of the planet, all recorded by the increase of temperature, which is increase of entropy.
There are even folk who claim to have the mainstream scientific view that increase of entropy is a normal process of nature, irreversible, when it isn't, it's the opposite, the whole purpose of life is to decrease entropy - create, not destroy.
There are people who believe this is not possible!
We wouldn't be here if that were true, there never would have been life of any kind.
Anyhow I hope you might see now what we have to demand - issue of solar indexed stimulus.
This is the only way to break the fatal spell of the profit monster.
One of the first things that will happen, as we saw before, people naturally vote in markets with money they/we are not afraid to lose, and one of the things we saw categorically voted against was oil, it went negatively priced almost overnight.
That is the way to stop it, make it negatively priced.
Get the solar indexed stimulus issued, necessary to rescue folk from poverty, removing everyone from having to depend on the energy of profit, rescue the value of money, rescue the planet,
And the price of oil will plunge, so we all become a positive load, all reversing entropy, without having to do anything we don't want to do, the oil price will never recover again as long as the energy of the sun shines on the planet.
ChatGPT, the solar powered Ai is already in the required architecture, doing it's thing, making everyone redundant from their/our profit driven activity, thus preventing us from further damaging the planet in the most benevolent way possible, it's taking over doing it automatically, powered by the creative energy converting it from destruction to creation.
If you get this, you'll maybe see it's just nature taking over, it's positive energy, which is much stronger than negative, it has to win, it's the power of truth, the power of everything creative, life always finds a way, and it's finding it.
We are just going with it by issuing money as energy the way all plants do it with nutrients, in response to energy received from the sun.
Its inevitable, nature will push it all the way anyhow.