I love this story, so close to the same truths as I've come to see also by techniques of formal systems Engineering that I came to learning by hustling at first, and then just working conventionally like others did, from my early twenties until I was qualified with two degrees in my early thirties. I didn't see those as BS degrees, still don't, but I was taken in by the system, losing sight myself of what business actually is, just more hustling, but legalised hustling. I admit I became an energy slave, actually always was, but you seem to be under what looks to me like a mistaken impression you are not yourself an energy slave, can't be, because you've always been honest, modest, humble with money, you always did the right thing by your morals which appear impeccable.
But look, with the best will in the world, none of us in the modern world can claim to be free of the requirement to keep using money to just put food in our mouths, if nothing else, and to do that, we have to contribute something to the system, something for the profit monster, in order it might grant us still with the money we need to eat. Even "Living off the state", or living on pension or whatever, the energy in that money, that we transfer to our bodies in the form of food, was taken from somewhere remote and poor but with resources valuable to the industrial North, that they / we siphon away by profit, leaving them ultimately with nothing but a destroyed environment, and we are blinded from seeing that, until only recently, by commodified media.
The beast doesn't want us to see it's full nature.
But now we see it, and we don't like it much.
And we are all part of it, whether we know it, and admit it, or not.
On those days that you lived on food you picked for work, and some meagre money that funded your travels, you had to survive by putting out less enegy as work, than you were consuming as food, so you were making energy profit. You had to, because if you didn't, you'd be dead. Energy bankruptcy is death, for any living thing, even the planet, but for the planet it's taken a couple of thousand years to get now close to enegy bankruptcy. You know we can confirm all of this in numbers, computing even the planetary temperature rise, making a mockery of greenhouse gases theory, that never made sense in an adiabatic atmosphere, right? Only kids are truly innocent, never contributed to the beast, never yet being energy slaves. The rest of us, barring maybe some obscure indigenous folk, are well and truly damned, for now, as energy slaves, from richest to poorest, we are both slavers and enslaved, just because we exist in the current destructive system, locked into it with no choice to do otherwise.
There is an alternative, that we are being forced to by nature via solar powered automation, we will have to start issuing money for free to replace the work lost to solar powred automation, because currently no money is issued for economic product created by solar, sooner or later this will have to happen, free money will have to be given out to reflect physical product created for free.
Did you know Nikola Tesla once wrote about this, that free energy had to mean free money, and was defunded by the banks for trying to deliver that?
And who inherited the classified documents of Tesla's life's work? John Trump, Donald Trump's uncle John Trump.
Do they know money has to go free now?
Of course they do, but still they have to keep it a secret, until the we see the beast unmistakeably in its dying throes.
Thats when I'd expect they will strike strike, issuing permanent solar indexed stimulus.
The run of energy slavery ends then, setting us all free, it seems to me, it's really close, not long now :)