I love this idea, of course. I write about the need to go solar without further delay, and I aspired to get working in space technology myself, from reading scifi at a young age, and that dream came true, I got to working on Satcom Systems, doing some exciting things.
But there is a problem, as things stand, and that is profit driven companies. They will not achieve a project of this scale.
I was a big fan of the covid vaccine program too, until it splintered into competing commercial entities.
Was the covid vaccine program successful?
Nope, covid is still here.
But the companies involved still made their profits.
Now about Space X being good or bad for Space technology, what exactly have they developed?
Rockets? Satellites? Nope, they are reusing the technologies developed by the publicly funded space projects of 50 years ago. And they still don't have a space shuttle, which we had back then.
They just worked out which corners to cut, in order to make certain parts of the space technology that we had back then work, to make some profits for now.
What they don't tell us, or even care about, is the long term prospects of the work actually done so far.
Was there any work done to radiation harden the electronics in Starlink satellites? No. The satellites began to be launched within months of Starlink being still a dollar shaped glint in someone's eye. Remember Starlink was a US breakaway "Sprint" from the main peloton of 5G effort which was led by Huawei, a Chinese government subsidised company, for twenty years until then.
Radiation hardening takes years, working in conjunction with integrated circuit production companies, destructively testing their offerings. It is a very expensive activity.
So, whilst big things might be being expected of Space X, the irony is that the pure profit greed which drives it, will turn out to be a problem, not only for them, but for every other effort that might be planned for space.
The Starlink satellites will begin to fail en-mass within only a few years.
Old school publicly funded NASA and ESA experts warned about this but were ignored.
None of us really thought Space X could be so stupid, and still manage to launch satellites.
But it is amazing what a bunch of non-technical investor hero- worshipers can do with their capital.
We underestimated the power of that stupidity.
The full extent of it is still to be revealed, the hard way.
Now, all us old school experts can do is watch, and wait, for the Starlink satellites to start to fail, and they will, because that is the nature of the effect of space radiation on electronics, it takes a while to eat into the parts that control the spacecraft, more than twenty years on an old school radiation hardened, n+4 redundancy $100m launch satellite, the kind that still bring us our satellite TV.
But what amounts to little more than a domestic UAV, launched into space?
I would bet on a few years. One, two, or maybe three.
After control is lost, they will start to collide with one another, and the satellites of other projects.
All of this is known, but was ignored, by non-technical hero worshiper investors, having of more financial power between them than mostly retired old school NASA/ESA doomsayers.
Statistically, Starlink is bound to fail.
We just have to hope it doesn't take out too much other things with it.
Certainly manned missions will be out of the question for a while.
Do we have still more time to wait, for the development of space based solar power?
Nope, we are already in a profit driven fuel crisis, which has already led to war, and which can only get worse, until we scale up solar.
I've written elsewhere about how energy really works, explaining the technical reason that right now we are in something like the biblical end days.
The only solution right now is ground based solar.
We already have much more of that than profit driven minds can see, or will ever admit, because solar energy in quantity is the end of all value in capital, the end of the run for non-technical hero worshiper investors.