I love technology, except when it isn't doing much good. We've seen the harm done by using energy from other stored energy sources on Earth, the current environmental problem is as a result. I believe conventional profit-driven science has it all wrong about volcanic and geothermal energy, they are not something that magically regenerates, there is always a price to pay, an environmental cost when we use them.
The lessen we need to learn, it seems to me, is that the source of all energy is the sun, there is no other, and we are starting to see the benefit of using it, and the penalty for not using it.
It even aligns with religion, all religions, which science decided to drop in favor of profit, during the "Enlightenment". It wasn't enlightenment at all, it was endarkenment, it seems to me.
One way or another, we need to learn that the only energy source is the sun, above. All other "Sources", beneath our feet are not actual sources, they are just stores, which when we use, we pay massively in terms of environmental damage, and life.
Further, it connects with economy. all promises to pay are promises to extract, whilst the energy of the sun is pushed to us, endlessly, with no need to extract. So to appreciate the energy of the sun, our economy has to change, to the issue of free money reflecting the free energy from the sun that we are putting to use.
We have sprouted the human equivalent of leaves all over Earth, in the form of solar farms, by those we are putting the energy of the sun to similar use as plants, with a negative carbon footprint, like plants, so all we need to do now to assure the survival of our species is to scale up and multiply those leaves.
We could do this tomorrow if money issuers were to accept this, and declare all debt as actually an energy deficit to our planet, and start to issue free money to all people, to be put to use implementing solar power for all communities.
So we can see how to undo the harm done by using fossil fuels, which were put on Earth by nature using the energy of the sun, after the formation of Earth. All we need to do is use the same source as nature used to create the fuels we consumed previously, to create our own fuel of the futue, hydrogen for example, which when we consume it, has a negative carbon footprint. Our consumption of our own fuel created from sunlight undoes the damage we did consuming the fuel nature created using the sun.
We should see some poetry and even religion in how well that fits, it seems to me.
When we consider similarly the origin of the thermal energy within Earth, I think we should accept that it is just residual heat, from when the Earth was ejected from the sun, as matter ejected during a historical volcanic phase of the Sun's history.
This makes much more sense to me, than the profit driven scientific argument that Earth was formed somehow by accretion, at the same time as the sun.
As we can see, it is possible to undo the damage we did by consuming stored energy sources which appeared on Earth after its formation, but replacement of any kind of energy that was inherited from the sun? Not possible, that energy would be irreplaceable. We really would have done some irreversible damage, if we used it until evidence of damage appears.
So a rule of thumb we should be using, to determine good or bad use of energy is; if it comes from above it is good. If it comes from below, it is bad, always, no exceptions.
That is my half-penny worth :)