I like your story, impressive work! But I've always had a problem with the big bang theory, after believing it for about 5 minutes on first hearing about it as a teenager. Like you aptly said, nothing is set in stone, I don't think much of your work depends on the big bang theory, it could be quickly updated on the big bang theory being overturned, if/when that happens.
To me it looks more likely that we were ejected from the sun at some time earlier in its history, as a blob of volcanic mass, when the sun might have been more active than it is now. That would explain why all planets have axial spin, all in the same direction, and all lie more or less in a disk plane. There are studies that claim the disks we see in all solar systems would have formed naturailly, as a function of gravity, but that does not look likely at all. Nobody has been able to explain to me logically how disks would form naturally in a homogenously expanding medium, which it is, the expansion is homogenous in all places, indicating no point of origin, so why should we assume that there is, or ever was an origin. I think that is down to how the profit conditioned mindset works, it has a tendency to seek limits in all things, so as to quantify and commodify it.
I think the mathematical models used to model disk formation are incorrect, probably programmed deliberately to form disks, rather than being general physical simiulators which would replicate the physics of astronomy (I am a model based systems Engineer), somebody will have made a lot of money from creating those models :)