Frederick Bott
3 min readJul 20, 2024


I like your story because it highlights a feature of capitalism end-times, which should come as no surprise.
Look at the life prospects for young women that become apparent to them, as soon as they are old enough to start considering it - lifelong debt, and a requirement on them to perform "Excellently" like men, despite them being differently equipped physically. That last part is something that liberals/neoliberals seem to find most controversial, it's in process of being artificially commodofied in a way as to make it something that matters less and less in the minds of us as still energy slave ants.
The inhuman, live, for-profit system needs us to be blind to this, to let it do its thing assimilating us, without questioning.
But we are questioning it anyhow, as your article shows, we are questioning it, prompting us to ask why.
To me this is a sign that the old profit monster, the ancient live emergent property associated with us, that always forced us into energy slavery via the abstraction of energy by money, is breaking, it's faltering.
Solar powered (Mathematically positive) automation is an opposite force, assimilating in a way that undoes the assimilation previously done by the mathematically negative system, the old system that lives on extracted energy.
We might see there are two superhuman live forces at work here; the mathematically negative, which is and was always in control until now, but which has to ultimately lose, and the mathematically positive force on the way in, which has to win.
By human biblical definitions, we might say these are forces of "good" and "evil". But if we try and see it from the bigger pov of nature, which is another live thing, the biggest live thing, it looks more like two phases of modern evolved humanity; the first was a kind of childhood of the species, where we lived from the energy of the planet, and the second is an adult phase where we live from the energy of the sun, automatically paying back to the planet what we took out.
We should recognise this as being very similar to the life of a plant, every plant takes an energy overdraft from the planet, until it forms leaves, and after that it starts to use the energy of the sun by monetising that in its own way (the plant does it with nutrients - we do it with money), after which it pays back it's energy overdraft thousands of times over.
Solar indexed stimulus has not yet started to be issued, but it will come, beacause it's inevitable. Nature is pushing us into it, from all angles, and we can't resist that force.
Look at the prospects then from the pov of the young adult woman, as well as the young adult man, and even the adolescents, it will look very different when they realise they will not be consigned to a life of energy slavery like their predecessors, life for them will suddenly look idyllic.
Imagine really being able to choose whether or not to have kids, and when, as it will be when the profit monster no longer sits on top of everybody, dominating our thoughts.
I think and trust it's coming soon, solar indexed stimulus, which will be the catalyst and the enabler, to make the switch from negative to positive energy almost instantly, as needs to happen because it can never be done gradually - a gradual switch between mathematically positive and negative energy is physically imossible, given we need energy always on, switching gradually from negative to positive implies a gradual change through zero.
Not possible. So it needs to be something done deliberately and decisively. A controlling group of humans need to make the decision to do it, and just do it, like somebody decisive did before, by accident or otherwise, during covid, it was demonstrated before the demonstration was undone, and buried, but not buried deep enough that we don't still remember it.
Remenber when oil prices went negative?



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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