I like the way you’ve gone about this story, and agree it should be simple, but your analysis of the energy factor isn’t quite right.
If it was, you would have put it at step one, because it is far more fundamentally involved with all things, including economy, and politics, which are crucial.
Fix the energy problem, and those other things which we know are simple will all happen automatically.
Energy has only one source, the sun, and yes it is infinite.
All the other things you identified on Earth are not sources of energy, they are stores of energy, the use of which reduces the total stored energy on Earth, so always has a cost.
This just physics, it isn’t religion, but most religions seem to have had this message embedded in them, with advice not to worship false gods etc.
We worship money, most folk would agree with that.
All money we’ve used to date represents capital.
Capital, because it can only comprise stored energy, is Joules of energy.
Whereas the sun, only the sun, is the only source of Joules per second, forever.
It literally can’t be described, in terms of capital.
Adding it permanently to our economy devalues capital, all to zero.
That is just maths.
It is such a simple conclusion but with such big consequences.
It is a big deal, the biggest deal ever, and explains completely why we are so entrenched in extraction of energy from any "source" except the sun.
Fixing it questions our fundamental ideas about possesion.
Bolsonaro clears “his” forests because of it.
Most crimes are done because of it.
Fix that, and all else is fixed, I would say.