Frederick Bott
5 min readJan 16, 2023


I Like that you have obviously thought this out in so much detail, and I guess you haven't finished yet.

A factor which makes a huge difference, is where the energy comes from, that "Fuels" it all.

This has changed, since around 2005, from 100% extracted energy, to now a significant portion of solar energy in every developed country.

That proportion, and the effects of it, is something under much dispute and confusion.

There is an argument, supported by formal Systems Engineering analyses, that the actual deficit of humanity is an energy deficit, to our planet, and this corresponds directly to the health of our planet.

We might say that we are dependents on the energy put to use on Earth, which includes all forms of life, even us ourselves, whilst Earth is dependent on the energy it receives from the sun.

To clarify this, energy should be mathematically signed, according to where it comes from, positive from the sun, and negative from all other places (ie anywhere on Earth).

When we do this, and consider also the mechanism of profit, how it works, it requires that things sold are from scarce sources, preferably stores, in other words, capital.

In terms of energy, capital is stored energy, whilst money is the medium we use to transfer energy to and from respective stores of energy.

So, if we come across an energy source, enabled by advances in technology as we've seen, which make energy available for free, and which can be maintained and scaled up for free (since energy converts to money which can be spent on scaling and maintenance, amongst other things), all without any expenditure of labor per Joule of that energy, then in the presence of that energy source inevitably scaling up, eventually scarcity, and thus also profit, has to become something no longer possible.

Noting also money issued only as debt, or as payment for work done, can never enumerate the product created from Joules which have no associaated work, we have to conclude that the only way to enumerate that product, per the ideals of Austrian economics, that issue of money should be balanced with creation of product, in order that money exists to purchase and sell this product, Money has to be issued for free to all people.

Issue of this money makes a huge difference to markets, by changing what motivates folk trading in markets. Firstly it changes the demographics of who trades, from a few mature to elderly "Whales", to everyone issued with free money. Secondly that most of these new folk trading are no longer interested in making profit (Since their money came for free, and they have no fears of future financial insecurity), they are more interested in supporting things they see as important, by putting "Votes" towards them in markets, in the form of their free money.

We saw this demonstrated, when the issue of $4Tn per month was being issued in US.

Folk traded with the Robinhood app, oil prices went negative, technically bankrupt companies including Hertz were rescued by massive purchase of their shares. Everyone wanted to preserve the possibility of hiring cars in the future, but they were not interested in oil, which we know is damaging the planet. Whale investors including Warren Buffet quit the markets claiming "Something had gone wrong with money", whilst laws in the US were changed to allow trading in bankrupt stocks to continue, since that was the only trading left still going on. The dollar value itself went up in world markets, confounding conventional economists. The environment showed the only positive spike of recovery ever, confounding conventional scientists.

References to information detailing that history are now becoming difficult to find, due it being progressively overwritten by "Advertisements" of a version of history which did not include those events. The money funding those ads comes from the profit driven business world, which almost was brought to an end, by the devaluing of all capital.

The Robinhood app is now almost unheard of, once again.

The first person known to have been aware of the potential effects of free energy is Nikola Tesla. His history has been almost completely wiped out by (a) his documents being declared as officially secret, and (b) being overwritten by the Tesla company named after him, for profit.

The project of the original Tesle was intended to deliver free energy to all people. It was defunded by Tesla's only funder, JP Morgan, around 120 years age.

Trump was the president in power when $4Tn per month stimulus was made in US.

Trump's uncle was custodian of the original Tesla's documents.

Coincidence? Who knows.

Since the original Tesla was defunded, we have had two pandemics, two world wars, nuclear weapons, and now a final nuclear war pending, with our planet climate already reacting to the destructive energy load of humanity, in a way that many lives are starting to be lost. The further impact to that which will be caused by a final nuclear war is obvious, probably the end of most life on Earth.

Sorry for this seemingly rambling reply to your post, but hopefully you see some information here which affects the analysis of capitalism, and where it fits, or fitted.

The mathematical end of capitalism is with us. That changes everything. If you are inclined, you might wish to check out where your country stands using the utilities data of your country coupled demographics data.

If your population is rising, even if only by numbers of illegal immigration (like in our case in UK), whilst the utilities energy consumption is decreasing, then you should be able to calculate the sums of money that should be issued to the public as stimulus, to enumerate the product which has actually gone into your economy from domestic and community solar, which is the thing "Pushing back" the energy supplied by grids and utilities energy companies, and actually causing inflation in your country, since by not enumerating actual product put to use, it is becoming no longer fully representative of product being created.

I hope you can see this is the real game-changer.

What comes next, I guess can only be called "Energyism".

A numerical demo, applied to the UK, of calculating the solar product stipend, which shows the calculation method that can be applied to any country is here :



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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