I know you mean well, but imho this doesn't help anyone much, as it is itself just opinion, like we see from those offering things like investment advice, not really pinned much on anything solid.
If I was to try to offer advice, it would be for folk to do what they can to educate themselves on the subjects for which expertise is claimed, to verify for themselves if the information being offered is true or not.
The trouble is if it is truly revolutionary new information, then by definition there won't be much previously written on it, other than by whoever is claiming to have discovered it.
In these days of doing everything on the net, what does peer reviewed information even mean? If we think about it, we should realise that any technical community of "Peers" is actually a social bubble.
Just as valid, or maybe even more valid, is a blog, where thousands of folk of limited technical knowledge get to publicly examine some information, to either confirm it, or expose it as false, as far as they can see?
Personally I see Medium as being particularly applicable, as I myself happen to be presenting technical information which has become apparent from work beginning at first as PhD candidate studies, but has now moved into Medium, to be done in public, where I think folk are less inclined to thinking so much about profitable science, rather than existential science from which no profit can be gained, in fact appears distinctly anti-profit, and therefore is anti investment practice, so can only be carried out with reasonable confidence of not being trashed by folk still in the investor mindset.
Of course it still gets trolled by folk still blinded by the investor mentality, folk thinking humanity can survive on the proceeds/ energy of capital forever, or even just a little longer until they personally pass away, but the environment is now telling us enough is enough, it can't carry on any longer putting up with us literally stealing all of its energy from it, using the gearchain of money-as-debt, to lock us into a forever loop of extraction.
This is the battle I personally have with would-be experts, who argue to preserve the old system of living and dying by capital, which in the end is only stored energy, not actual live energy, which we have now reached a critical population size, which can only be sustained and even grow, by moving to the unlimited energy of our environment, which comes only from the sun.
Some established "Science" which immediately comes into question, when we dig deep into this unsustainable system we are practicing, are things like the big bang, linked to the actual origin of Earth, and therefore all the energy on it and available to it, and the action of energy flow within plants, actually reversible, at first upwards from Earth until the plants form leaves, and downwards thereafter, contributing energy to Earth whilst it grows to adulthood, and for the remainder of its life.
That reversible action in the plant is exactly what we have to replicate in humanity to survive as a species, like the plant does, but how do we explain this to scientists working in bullshit industry still for profit, who just respond with "Prove it". Of course it obvious, even to a child, but not to scientists conditioned by working all of their lives in the profit driven world.
To me, the big bang is an entirely profit driven theory, produced from zero-sum-game mindsets, who need determinism, to be able to put figures on things, to be happy with them, like all things in the economy, which is still considered to be an economic constant, yet look around, creation is constantly happening right in front of us, but still we don't account for any of that ongoing creation, because the only way it could be monetised, is to give the money away for free, coninuously, which destroys all concepts of the value of capital.
This is what I struggle with having to try to help folk understand with my now 280 stories in Medium.
I can tell folk the truth, that I am what most folk might define as an elite Systems Engineer, with experience at all kinds of senior levels in all kinds of systems now airborne, in space, and underwater, if anyone should know practical physics, it is folk like me, but it makes no difference to folk who just want to know where is the next best place to throw their capital.
If it was up to me I would say just take it, and give it away. That is the best thing that could be done with it, now we are moving to energyism, forced by nature, the run of living and dying from capital has come to an end, and the sooner folk realise that the better for all of us.
Sorry for using your story to sound off, but I do get frustrated. I wish you well in all future endeavours.