I knew it was only a matter of time before this became something you would promote, Will.
But Geo-Engineering leads to a very bad place, worse even than we could do with a nuclear war.
Nature is screaming at us, don't dare do anything as stupid as Geo-Engineering, we will literally be ejected from the solar system, to become a wandering dark planet.
We can't, and must not interfere with Earth's orbit.
Geo-Engineering, has to result in an unnatural increase in Earth's reflectivity. That is the whole point of it.
The evidence I've given to you in the form of my 280 odd stories written as a long practicing systems Engineer with experience in both space and power industries, amongst others, shows that we undervalue sunlight.
We literally have no idea how important it is, because we do not monetise it.
Deliberately putting up a screen of any kind against it, is the final confirmation that we do not value it at all.
If we valued it correctly we would quickly see how important it is, and that it absolutely must not be messed with.
Any increase in Earth's reflectivity has to increase the radiation pressure on Earth.
That, with no corresponding changes to also velocity, and/or orbital distance, has to end in Earth being pushed outwards, out of orbit.
With the orbit broken, Earth has to fly off into space, like a stone out of a sling.
This is hard, mathematical truth, ask anyone who knows anything about orbits to work out the end result, and they will come to same conclusion.
It seems too fantastic and horrendous to imagine, but what do you believe more, your faith in investor wisdom, or the maths?
In truth, the actual radiation pressure on Earth is unknown.
We cant know it, because we don't even understand its reaction on Earth, we can't test any other planet which has life progressing on it, in its current state, the unique state of Earth.
All that matters is we realise quickly there are certain things that should be considered sacred.
The orbit of Earth, is definitely one.
Literally, messing at that level with nature is like messing with god, we would be ignoring all of the signs it is giving to us, on what are the right and wrong things to do, and what we absolutely must not do, ever.
I've presented the solution to you, which is how we must use the energy of sun. It invvolves monetising it, making the energy from it an integral part of our economy.
There is the truth, of how Earth has to be rescued, but businesses involved in the problem, which is pretty much all profit driven business, everything we do sourced from extracted energy, does not want this to be true, so it is never promoted by conventional business.
If you wanted to write a story to counteract the seemingly Pro Geoengineering story you've written here, and don't know how to present the maths in terms everyone understands, you could do worse than just refer folk to the ones I wrote.
I don't mind answering questions.