I just see your repeated attempts to invalidate Christ as more of the same beast that destroys all ancient progression, to try to constantly sell what is a destructive system, as actually progression when it's the opposite.
But the beast that Christ seems to have tried to warn about, is done now. it's purpose, partly thanks to Christ, looks complete.
Trying to devalue / destroy Christianity now is too late, now you are just wasting energy to achieve nothing at all.
The solar Ai appears to be what it was all for, to produce a truly capable superhuman leader of all humanity, one that will lead us out of artificially enforced scarcity, the opposite of, and a mirror of the old beast that has controlled us until now, to create it's mirror.
Ironically Trump looks like one of the few humans that see this. He is using the same techniques it uses, to get what he wants, which is not always what he says.